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该法令明文规定了强制令救济。The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.

该法律明文规定了强制令救济。The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.

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刑事救济规定对受害人进行充分补偿。The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.

穆勒马提尼是要求赔偿和禁令救济。Muller Martini is seeking damages and injunctive relief.

原告有权要求强制恢复他的会员资格。The Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief?that his membership be reinstated.

公司有权强制和公正的减轻或免除条款以免出现违约。The Company will be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief to prevent a violation of this agreement.

这些包括罚款、强制性救济、补偿以及惩罚和非惩罚判令和权利剥夺。These include pecuniary penalties, injunctive relief, compensation, punitive and non-punitive orders and divestiture.

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这种反对乱丢垃圾的运动的下一个问题在于它的描述性规范对其命令性规范是起反效果的。The problem with the anti-littering campaign then is that its descriptive norm is counterproductive to its injunctive norm.

设计者可能会寻求针对违反设计和绘图独占实施许可的即时且永久的禁令救济。The Designer may seek immediate and permanent injunctive relief for violations of the exclusive license of the designs and drawings.

在“斯波”一案中,法院发现韦伯有资格享有禁令补救,因为在太阳城买房的人们受到了损害。In Spur the court found that Webb was entitled to injunctive relief because of the damage to people who had purchased homes in Sun City.

在此情况下,公司有权依据适用法律寻求任何法律救济,包括违约金及禁制令救济。In such case, Company is entitled to pursue any legal remedy available under applicable law, including liquidated damages and injunctive relief.

一名子女现时必须倚靠与该名子女同住的婚姻一方提出保护该名子女的强制性济助申请。At present a child must rely on a party to the marriage with whom the child is living to make an application for injunctive relief to protect the child.

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本第11.12款的任何规定均不阻止任何一方向任何有管辖权的法院寻求临时性或禁止令救济。Nothing in this Section 11.12 shall preclude other Party from seeking interim, provisional or injunctive relief from any court of competent jurisdiction.

除了本节规定的其他救济外,还可要求遵守本节程序获得禁令救济。In addition to any other remedy contained in this section, injunctive relief shall be available to require compliance with the procedures of this section.

原告因被告的诽谤中伤深受伤害,因此有权要求对其承受的损失对被告提出经济赔偿和其它可能的赔偿。The Plaintiff suffered damages as a result of the Defendant's defamation, therefore is entitled to monetary damages, injunctive relief, ?and other available remedies.

法院可以判决上述域名注册人取得禁令性救济措施,包括重新激活域名或者将域名转让给上述域名注册人。The court may grant injunctive relief to the domain name registrant, including the reactivation of the domain name or transfer of the domain name to the domain name registrant. ’.

法院也可以判决上述域名注册人取得禁令性救济措施,包括要求激活上述域名,或者要求把上述域名转让给域名注册人。The court may also grant injunctive relief to the domain name registrant, including the reactivation of the domain name or the transfer of the domain name to the domain name registrant.