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不良的食物是治疗胰腺癌的酶补充剂。Malabsorption of food is treated with pancreatic enzyme supplements.

临床表现为慢性持续性腹泻及吸收不良。Clinical manifestation for chronic long-enduring diarrhea and malabsorption.

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其他用户界面的研究表明,高达三分一的人与IBS的也有果糖吸收不良。Other UI research suggests that up to one-third of people with IBS also have fructose malabsorption.

为营养不良所造成的失败的身体吸收养分,请参阅文章就不良。For malnutrition caused by the failure of the body to absorb nutrients, see the article on Malabsorption.

胰腺损伤,继发维生素E吸收障碍可加重这种损伤。Secondary vi-tamin E malabsorption was development in the chicks, which would aggravate the pancreatic injuries.

我们认为慢性腹泻可能起因于较长时间的肠胃道未使用及收不良有关。We thought her chronic diarrhea might have been caused by long-term disused atrophy and malabsorption by her intestine.

淋巴液流动降低导致小肠吸收不良综合征,尤其是脂肪和脂溶性维生素的吸收。Reduced lymph flow leads to a malabsorption syndrome of the small intestine, especially of fat and fat-soluble vitamins.

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尤其是在妊饭后半期,孕妇A9铁摄取HI对不足或吸收不良。Especially is pregnanting the food second half, the pregnant woman A9 iron absorbs HI to the insufficiency or the malabsorption.

结论镁元素缺乏可能为HBV引发的肝脏损害导致丢失过多或吸收不良造成的。Conclusion The possible reason of the magnesium deficiency is that the magnesium is loss more or malabsorption with liver Injury by HBV.

症状包括轻度到激烈的腹部疼痛和抽筋饭后,腹泻和营养不良造成的吸收养分。Symptoms include mild to intense abdominal pain and cramps after meals, diarrhea, and malnutrition caused by malabsorption of nutrients.

外伤性脑积水可能与应激性反应,脑脊液循环通路或吸收障碍有关。Traumatic hydrocephalus may be attributed with stress response, disturbance of cerebrospinal fluid circulation and malabsorption of CSF.

缺钙的人可以发现不良问题,如克隆氏病、腹腔疾病、肠切除手术。Calcium deficiency can be found in people with malabsorption problems, such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, and surgical intestinal resection.

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感染、手术、某些药物、酗酒以及诸如口炎性腹泻和克罗恩病此类的消化功能紊乱都可能引起消化不良。Malabsorption can be caused by infection, surgery, certain drugs, heavy alcohol use, and digestive disorders such as celiac sprue and Crohn's disease.

检查粪便脂肪及未消化肌纤维可以提示脂肪和蛋白吸收不良,包括胰功能不全。Measurement of stool fat and undigested muscle fibers may be indicative of fat and protein malabsorption conditions, including pancreatic insufficiency.

我们研究了肠吸收不良、肾代偿以及免疫抑制对电解质平衡紊乱类型的影响。We investigated the pattern of electrolyte disturbances with regard to enteral malabsorption , renal compensation, and the influence of immunosuppression.

大家都知道,除了糊化淀粉大致上没有问题以外,所有可利用碳水化合物都有吸收不良的问题和有害的生理影响。Malabsorption difficulties and adverse physiological effects are known for all the available carbohydrates but gelatinized starches give little or no trouble.

慢性腹泻较重要,其原因包括可谷胶所致肠病、囊性纤维病、糖吸收不良及过敏性胃肠病。Chronic diarrhea is usually more significant. Causes include gluten-induced enteropathy, cystic fibrosis, sugar malabsorption , and allergic gastroenteropathy.

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这种将微生态和基因工程相结合来解决乳糖吸收不良的方法,在国内外尚未见相似的报道。The similar report of the like by combining the microzoology and gene engineering methods to solve the lactose malabsorption hasn't been found in China and other countries.

过量不只是从龟的系统出问题,而且可以导致吸收不良的必需脂肪酸和其他缺陷,如铁,锌,碘,铜。Excessive amounts do not just flush from the tortoises system, but can and do lead to malabsorption of essential fatty acids and other deficiencies such as iron, zinc, iodine, cooper.

之后不久的诊断腹腔疾病,你必须格外小心,以确保你有足够营养的饮食,你可能已经患有吸收养分。Shortly after the diagnosis of coeliac disease, you need to be extra careful to ensure you have a nutritionally adequate diet, as you may have been suffering from malabsorption of nutrients.