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新来的经理真让人受不了。I can't endue the new manager.

让别人嘲笑,我可受不了。I can't endue being laughed at.

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他祈求上帝赋予他智慧。He prayed to God to endue him with wisdom.

祈神保佑,让他安宁吧。Endue him with blessings, and send him your peace.

他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。He prayed to God night and day endue him with the spirit of holiness.

因此对小产权房,应当赋予其合法的地位。So we should endue the legal position to the uncompleted-right houses.

他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。与比较级的词连用,置于。He prayed to God night and day to endue him with the spirit of holiness.

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生命的价值取决于你赋予自己的终极使命。The value of life is up to the ultimate mission you endue with yourself.

社会赋予我们使命,客户赋予我们责任!The society endues us the mission, and the clients endue us the responsibility!

家具的装饰设计赋予了家具产品明确的文化内涵。Furniture has been endue with definite culture meaning by decorative design of furniture.

只有在人赋予它们情感色彩之后,才有了好坏取舍的主观意向。The good and evil per se do not mean good or bad until human beings endue them with emotional colors.

光环境设计既可以赋予建筑空间灵魂和生命,也可以成为空间的败笔与祸源。Light can not only endue with the soul and life for construction space, but also can ruin space design.

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家具的装饰形态是指家具的装饰要素所赋予家具的形态特征。The decorative form of furniture is the modal characters with that the furniture endue by decorative elements.

作者主张遵循时间优先原则,同时赋予实体权利人提起异议之诉的权利,通过异议之诉来对抗和撤销先行的强制执行。The thesis suggests the principle of preference of time and to endue the obligee with rights to advance exception suits.

我们拥有先进的管理团队及技术团队,能够给予我们充分的技术支持、生产控制,交货期保障。Our advanced managing and technical teams endue us with sufficient technical supports, producting control and ensuring delivery time.

当然,作品粘贴十字架刑的符号,无疑是最为经济的修辞手段,本来俗常之物摆出个十字型就有了精神的品格。Certainly, to stick cross-shaped patterns onto art works is the most economical way to endue a mediocre thing with spiritual qualities.

作曲家将古典体裁与现代作曲技法有机地结合在一起,赋予作品独特的风格特征。The composer organically combines classical genre with modern composition techniques in this work to endue it with unique characteristics.

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材质的理解可以赋予设计者以丰富想像力,揉合作者的个人意识和情绪,创造出精美作品。The understanding of material may endue with rich imagination. add the person consciousness and emotion of the author and create fine production.

渗透结晶外加剂能提高抗裂砂浆抗裂性,并赋予抗裂砂浆裂缝自修复性能。The addition of capillary crystalline additive could increase the crack resistance of mortar, and endue the mortar with crack self-healing performance.

他的音乐不仅继承了古典主义简约型式,同时还将浪漫主义的作曲手法融入其中,加以高超的钢琴演奏技巧,使得他的音乐具有独特的艺术魅力。The composer organically combines classical genre with modern composition techniques in this work and adds superb piano playing skills to endue the minuet with unique characteristics.