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但是他值得成为年度人物吗?But is he worthy?

他面临一个强有力的敌手He had a worthy opponent.

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我所做的一切都是值得的。Everything I do is worthy.

对得起人民的信任。Be worthy of people's trust.

我也是能值得依靠的人了。I am worthy of being relied.

我也算是孺子可教了吧。I am worthy of being taught.

忝为神祇是多麽的价值非凡!How worthy it is of the Gods!

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向她显示你是一个值得信赖的人。Show her you’re trust worthy.

他是一个名不虚传的诗人。He is poet worthy of the name.

他值得你崇拜。He is worthy of your adoration.

为什麽台语值得继续存活呢?Why is Tagi worthy for survival?

所以他配得一切的敬拜。He is worthy of being worshipped.

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非他莫属。Nobody else is worthy except him.

她是一个可以信得过的人。She is a person worthy of belief.

这些都是非常有价值的话题。These are all very worthy topics.

她是一位值得尊重的领导。She is a leader worthy of respect.

曾被杀的羔羊,是配得权柄Worthy is the lamb that was slain.

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你真的很值得崇拜用英文怎么写?。You are really worthy of adoration.

但你知道,我配不上她。But you know, I amn't worthy of her.

见这样一位阿罗汉是件善事。It is good to see such a worthy one.