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它还使你头脑清醒。Aerobic exercise also keeps your mind sharp.

健美社团里都是女同学吗?Are there all female students in aerobic club?

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大运动量增氧舞蹈乃是随着慢跑成风的时尚附带产生的。Aerobic dancing piggybacked on the jogging craze.

有氧运动会让你短时间内感到疲倦。Aerobic exercise may make you tired in the short term.

大多数日常身体活动应该是有氧活动。Most of the daily physical activity should be aerobic.

绝大多数运动即可以是有氧运动也可以是无氧运动。Most types of exercise can be either aerobic or anaerobic.

好氧反应器采用传统的射流曝气池。The traditional jet agitator is used as the aerobic reactor.

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有氧运动是大多数健身项目的基础。Aerobic activity is the cornerstone of most fitness programs.

中度的有氧锻炼,一周5天,每天30分钟Moderate Aerobic Exercise for 30 Minutes a Day, 5 Days a Week

是的,我知道任何一种有氧运动都能减轻抑郁Yes, I know any kind of aerobic exercise relieves depression.

重量锻炼、有氧运动无一不包无一不做。Weight exercise, aerobic exercise all packets without over shoes.

看看有氧运动是如何影响你的心,肺和血液循环的。See how aerobic exercise affects your heart, lungs and blood flow.

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他们还迅速燃烧脂肪,因为它们堤高有氧空调。They also burn fat fast because they improve aerobic conditioning.

有氧运动是以固定式脚踏车测力计进行40分钟。Aerobic exercise was performed for 40 minutes on a cycle ergometer.

你的有氧运动水平提高后,你能跑得更远更快。As your aerobic capacity increases, you can run farther and faster.

动感自行车是在固定的自行车上进行的有氧运动。Spinning is an aerobic exercise that takes place on a stationary bike.

有些真菌和细菌能在好气条件下进行反硝化。Some fungi as well as bacteria can denitrify under aerobic environment.

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接著,在好氧相中推估一初始溶氧转换率。Thirdly, an initial DO transfer rate is calculated at the aerobic phase.

试着做下有氧运动,如跑步、散步、游泳以及跳舞。Try aerobic exercises like running, walking, swimming, and even dancing.

文章对近年来畜禽粪便堆肥化系统和堆肥条件进行了综述。The article summarizes the progress of aerobic composting of animal du ng.