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还介绍了该种变送器的基本结构、密封方法和一般应用。Meanwhile, the structure , hermetical method and general application of the transmitter are introduced.

发动机汽缸压缩压力是检测发动机机密封性的重要参数。Cylinder compression pressure is an important parameter for measuring the hermetical state of an engine.

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密封部位可调节更换,密封性能可靠等特点。It has characteristic of hermetical components can adjust and replace, reliable hermetic capability etc.

它的减速机构输出轴上用储油槽与密封件配合进行气隔离。Oil gutter structure on the export axle of retarded mechanism and hermetical piece are coordinated for gas isolated.

新颖的密封式箱体结构,适用于正、负压力状态下的运行。The novel and hermetical structure is suitable for operation under the states of both positive and negative pressure.

该措施对边坡既能起到“保湿防渗”封闭处治作用,又具有良好的支挡效果。This approach can contribute to the hermetical treatment of keeping humid and anti-seepage, as well as good supporting effect.

洛马宁柯曲线进行了对比,得出了试验工况下密封比压计算修正系数,为低温密封结构设计提供依据。T. Pomatehko, experimental coefficients of hermetical pressure are simulated and can be used in cryogenic seal structure designing.

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天津市格瑞达工贸有限公司成立于1996年,专业从事小型全封闭制冷压缩机研发、生产制造和销售。Found in 1996, Tianjin GRD Industrial & Trading Co. Ltd. is the manufacturer which produces and exports hermetical compressors in china.

发动机密封性降低,会造成发动机经济性、动力性下降及废气排放指标恶化,因此对各缸压缩压力的检测具有重要意义。The lowering hermetical state of an engine will not only cause economy and power coastdown, but also worsen the emission evaluating indicators of exhaust gas.

应用实例表明,采用磁力驱动密封装置,对于高压、高真空等工况,均可实现无接触的密闭传动,达到无泄漏。The applied examples show that magnetic coupler achieves the non-contacting and hermetical drive without any leakage at the conditions of high-pressure or high-vacuum, etc.

文章介绍了多层次金属硬密封煤气蝶阀的结构特点、密封原理及实际应用情况。The author introduced the construction character and hermetical principle and application in practice of multiple arrangement metal and hard hermetical gas butterfly value.

应用实例表明,采用磁力驱动密封装置,对于高压、超高压和真空等工况均可实现无接触的密闭传动,达到无泄漏。The applied examples show that the magnetic coupler can achieve the non-contacting and hermetical drive without any leakage under the condition of high-pressure, ultrahigh-pressure, vacuum, etc.