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为什么需要命令?Why have a mandate?

雇主授权。An employer mandate.

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个人授权。An individual mandate.

你可以帮我调货吗?。Could you mandate it as me?

我们谦恭地接受民意授权。We humbly accept their mandate.

只是缺乏明确的法律授权。Only a clear legal mandate is lacking.

他给了你什么任务?What was the mandate that he gave you?

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然而,有些州并未授权使用。Not all states, however, mandate their use.

强制的必要是因为人们很短视。The mandate is there because people are myopic.

他的确裁决强制令违宪。He did indeed find the mandate unconstitutional.

第一次世界大战后,叙利亚成了法国的托管地。After World War I, Syria became a French mandate.

天命不慆久矣。Long has there been no doubt of Heaven's mandate.

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二是明确任务和目标,因地制宜地开展工作。Is a clear mandate and objectives, according to its work.

但它确实不要求重写整个应用程序。It does not, however, mandate a whole application rewrite.

执行航班任务的机型是波音737-800。Mandate the implementation of Flight Boeing 737-800 models.

这些阵营都将目标集中在执行坎昆任务上。These parties are focused on implementing the Cancún mandate.

他必须能坚持以德服人。He must perpetually earn and maintain the moral mandate to lead.

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接受讲师团的任务进行义讲。Lecturers to accept the mandate of the Mission to justice stresses.

规范不支持特殊的代码集。The specification does not mandate support for a particular codeset.

皇权随着每年冬至日出时分而迈入新岁。Each year at sunrise at the winter solstice, that mandate was renewed.