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整个早晨充满和霭可亲的气氛。The atmosphere of the entire morning was in an amicable.

两国以友好调解解决争端。The two countries made settlement by amicable arrangement.

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以上这些都是和平分手,虽然有些伤感,但是丝毫没有恨意。Those were amicable partings, with traces of hurt, but not hate.

我们只是决定不再见面,始终很和气。We just decided to stop seeing each other. It was all very amicable.

确认把手的斜面一端面向你。The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the.

在中世纪,人们会把一组亲和数刻在水果切块上。In the Middle Ages people used to carve amicable numbers into pieces of fruit.

为所负责业务范围内产品在中国钢铁市场的开发创造一个良好的环境。Creating an amicable business environment for Danieli in the Chinese steel market.

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雏菊在日本象征着“友好的情谊,或者柏拉图式的理想关系”。In Japan, daisies are believed to symbolize an "amicable or platonic relationship."

所以,你难道不同意用友善的行为去结束事情是更好的吗?So, wouldn’t you agree that it’s better to go about ending things in an amicable manner?

即便你正在攻击上镜头的被采访人,也要确保你们的关系是平和的。Even if you are attacking your interviewee on air, make sure your relationship is amicable.

中华民族历来爱好和平,自古就有和为贵、亲仁善邻的传统。It is our long-cherished tradition to foster harmony and build amicable ties with neighbors.

药剂啲环境介面友好、处理效能稳定。The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment.

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药剂的环境介面友好、处理效能稳定。The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment.

“我们曾与菲利普友好的谈话,他想踢足球,”霍奇森说。"We have had an amicable conversation with Philipp and he wants to play football," Hodgson said.

过去经常对我很友好的人现在盯着我看,好像我是一个窘迫的冒失鬼,认为我在打探他们的隐私。People who used to be amicable so gaze on me as if I'm a abashed daredevil, thinking I'm bugging.

多年来,他们保持友善关系,前妻一直是他政治事业的支持者。They have remained amicable over the years, and she has been a supporter of his political career.

韩国也希望在未来的岁月里,友善的美中关系能继续取得成功。Korea also hopes that amicable U.S.-China relations will continue to prosper in the years to come.

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我们过去在一起取得过成绩,所以我希望我们的分手既能心平气和,又能不失体面。After what we have accomplished together, I would wish our parting to be both amicable and dignified.

由于中国的傲慢,两国友好关系的未来处于危险之中。Because of China’s arrogance, amicable relations between the two countries in the future are in jeopardy.

本文就如何开发一套实用的,安全的,友好的ASP。This paper focuses on the detailed explanation witch how to explore a piratical , safe, and amicable ASP.