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布里特妮还能打开这些礼物吗?Would Brittany ever get to open them?

我仍记得布里塔尼来我们学校的那天。I remember the day Brittany came to our school.

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在当时,布瑞堂尼还没有像现在那样工业化。At that time, Brittany was not industrialized as it is now.

一天,布里塔尼贿赂了一位同学,让他邀请我参加学校的舞会。One day, Brittany bribed a classmate to ask me to the school dance.

我需要你给自己洗澡,把布列塔尼提维和他们床上。I need you to give Stevie and Brittany their baths and put them to bed.

后来在自然课上,布里塔尼告诉我,是她唆使那个人邀请我的。Then Brittany told me during science class that she had put him up to it.

而布里塔尼和她的朋友们却穿臀部印有诸如“辣妹”字样的短裤。Brittany and her friends wore shorts with words like "Hottie" on the seat.

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亚士厘改变弟弟的尿布,然后同吃布列塔尼和2岁的史提夫。Ashley changed her brother's diaper, then ate with Brittany and 2-year-old Stevie.

两只狗都已经去世了,但三年前他救了希芭一只布尔塔尼长耳垂毛狗。Both dogs have since died, but three years ago he rescued Sheba, a Brittany spaniel.

等我继续读下去,才发现布里塔尼已于一年前在一次因酒后驾车引发的事故中丧生。As I read on, I realized that Brittany had died in a drunken driving accident a year ago.

她就是布列塔尼的安妮女公爵,先后嫁给查理八世和路易十二,两度成为法国女王。Anne, Duchess of Brittany was twice queen of France, marrying, in turn, Charles VIII and Louis XII.

布列塔尼的安妮公爵夫人是个什么样的人物,她为何要两度成为法国的王后,政治的联姻是为了什么?Anne, Duchess of Brittany was twice queen of France, marrying, in turn, Charles VIII and Louis XII.

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两天前的晚上,布里特妮和史蒂夫躲在客厅的衣橱里,然后突然跳出来吓了她一跳。Two nights before, Brittany and Steve had hidden in the hall closet and jumped out to surprise her.

她还去了趟住在法国布列塔尼的弟弟家,他弟弟新近在那里翻新了房子。Her trip to France came when she decided to visit her brother, who was restoring a house in Brittany.

一项工程的目标是把巴黎至勒芒的线路延伸到布列塔尼省的省会雷恩。One aims to extend the line that runs from Paris to Le Mans all the way to Rennes, the capital of Brittany.

在法国的古布列塔尼地区,遍布着一片片石柱群,让人联想起英国的史前巨石阵。Reminiscent of Stonehenge , upright stones dot the French landscape of the area we know as ancient Brittany.

只要有一点想象力,你就很容易把这里想象成法国布列塔尼或诺曼底的海滨胜地。With a touch of imagination, it is easy to be transplanted to a sleepy seaside resort in Brittany or Normandy.

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对布瑞塔妮•齐默尔曼呼叫未做判断指令的那名接线员则获得允许同级调派其他郡。The operator who failed to act on Brittany Zimmermann's call was allowed to transfer to another county position.

戴尔在办公室那边忙得不可开交,我一个人既要看管三个幼小的孩子,打扫房屋、剪修花园,还得照顾一条布列塔尼小狗。While Dale worked hard at the office, I tended three young children, a house and garden and a Brittany pointer puppy.

医生们把化学热裹布盖在布里特妮身上,并把一根管子插入她的喉咙以迫使氧气进入她的肺部。The doctors placed chemical hot packs on Brittany and then inserted a tube down her throat to force oxygen into her lungs.