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在音形和节拍的结构间的差异是什麽?What are the distinctions between figural and metric structures?

刚果人民用几和形状的样式装饰他们的烟斗。The Congo people decorate their pipes with figural and geometric patterns.

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“比德”观对中国古代的文学艺术产生了重大的影响。The view of figural virtue has great influence on Chinese ancient literature and art.

在今后的实践中,“抽象和具象”就成了“方便说”。In the following practice, abstract art and figural art become a "convenient saying ".

典雅的装饰图案和某些人物的内容揭示了西方的影响。The elegant decorative motifs and certain figural elements reveal a Western influence.

在艺术上的发展突出表现在文辞和人物形象塑造的成功等。The art development of the work is the beautiful diction, and the figural success, and so on.

新具象水墨最为感人的地方在于他们的作品中体现出来的现实关怀的价值。The best part of new figural water-ink is the value of realistic solicitude the painting works express.

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规模还不大,但两者的抽象和具象的结合,使得她的绘画气势宏伟。The scale is still not large, but the combination of both abstract and figural makes her painting grand.

鲍尔勒喜好取材人物与风景,并完成多幅皇室子女肖像画。Bauerle, specializing in figural and landscape paintings, had completed numerous portraits for the royal family.

在新时期,凌叔华研究进入了新的阶段,在人物形象和艺术风格研究等方面取得了突出成就。In the new period, research on Ling Shuhua has got into position, and made great achievement in figural image and artistic style.

本文试图运用叙事理论探讨小说翻译中的人物视角问题。This paper is an attempt to study the transference of figural point of view in fictional translation by applying narrative theories.

作为一种人格符号,在人的生存本体论意义上,偶像的产生具有其必然性。As a figural symbol of personality, it is of inevitability that the idol comes into being in the sense of ontological exist of people.

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从繁复具象到简洁抽象,几何元素也越来越凸现了它在首饰设计中的地位和作用。From the complicated figural art to the brief abstract art, geometric figure plays a more and more important role in the process of jewelry design.

一方面,要成为一个标志,一座建筑必须要提出一个全新并且浓缩的意向,在抽象形态或者建筑完形上高屋建瓴,并且要从城市中脱颖而出。On the one hand, to become iconic a building must provide a new and condensed image, be high in figural shape or gestalt, and stand out from the city.

工笔人物画作为中国文化母体上的一个子系统,其生存状况必将受到所处时代文化语境的影响。Brush Stroke Figural Painting as Chinese culture one subsystem of parent, it survive state will live in into era culture influence of linguistic context.

探索具象钟表的身高和迷人的世界在这次收集的古董钟表时钟康涅狄格古董收藏家免费视频。Discover the fascinating world of stature and figural clocks in this free video on collecting antique Connecticut clocks from an antique clock collector.

而中国古代雕塑中主体性的人常成为退守状态,被塑者常是“被看”把玩的对象,中国古代雕塑较多的是动物像、佛像,却鲜见纪念性人物雕像。On the contrary, the motif of ancient Chinese sculptures were "object"such as animals and Buddha but not "subject", for example, commemorative figural sculptures.

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此作不论是画中人物的动态、小河中的倒影、蔚蓝的天空,还是独具风味的西班牙风格建筑,都在在表现出包舒绘画技巧的高超。The artist's dexterous technique is shown through the figural postures, the mirror image on the river, the blue sky, and the peculiar features of Spanish architectures.

第二章通过对改革题材小说中最富有艺术光彩的改革者形象特质的分析,指出此类小说在人物形象塑造上的特点与不足。The second chapter points out the characteristic and failure in figural portrayal through the analysis on the traits of the reformers that have the most artistic characters.