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她已拜过她的祖先。She has worshipped her ancestor.

软绵绵是羊族的祖先,创建了羊村。The ancestor of the goat family.

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我们共同的祖先是约翰王。Our common ancestor was King John.

我一到家,我父亲就出去了。My ancestor went out anon I got home.

功夫起源于中国,是空手道和柔术的祖先。It is the ancestor of karate and jujitsu.

功夫起源于中国,是空手道和柔术的祖先。It is the ancestor of karate and ju-jitsu.

德昂族把茶叶看做祖先。De'ang people regard tea as their ancestor.

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拉玛的儿子是示巴,底但。Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber.

有着同一个祖先的人叫亲戚。Peoplewho share an ancestor are called relatives.

这三种生物从同一原种进化而来。The three species evolved from a single ancestor.

其祖先组织的策略不适用。Its ancestor organizations' policies do not apply.

也别忘记,俄备得成为了耶稣的先祖。Remember too that Obed became an ancestor of Jesus.

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古吉拉特的一位拉巴尼妇女拜谒先人的陵墓。ARabari woman in Gujarat visits the grave of an ancestor.

油画中的祖先在向下凝视着我们。The ancestor in the painting stared down at us menacingly.

节日期间投资者调查了他的祖宗。During the festival the investor investigated his ancestor.

那个管人需要我保护呀?So tell me what mortal needs my protection, Great Ancestor.

而盘瓠和盘王是瑶族的图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜。Panhu and Wang Yao is set totem worship and ancestor worship.

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摇滚乐直接源自节奏布鲁斯。The immediate ancestor of rock "n" roll is rhythm -and-blues.

这一祖先嘶叫并捶击墙壁,而没有人前来。This ancestor screamed and pounded the walls, and no one came.

被认为是当今流行树莓类鸡尾酒的鼻祖。Thought to be the ancestor of todays popular Bramble cocktail.