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风从东方吹来。The wind blows easterly.

强劲的东风猛烈地吹打我们的脸。The strong easterly wind lashed at our faces.

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在东风区结论相反。In the easterly region the conclusion is opposite.

一阵席卷而来的东风使鸟飞低。An easterly gale blew up, making the birds fly low.

在平均东风区,结论相论。In the mean easterly region the conclusion is opposite.

东风增强,烟霞随风向西飘离香港。Easterly winds strengthened. Haze drifted west away from Hong Kong.

耀斑产生的扰动有分别向东、西方向的方位角速度存在。The flare-produced disturbances have an azimuthal velocity easterly and westerly respectively.

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纽约大学的经济学家威廉埃斯特里表示,这是发展被带入歧途的一个例证。New York University economist William Easterly says this is one example of development gone wrong.

一对德国组合冒险行东飞路线,仅飞行465英里后到达撒丁岛。German team gambled on an easterly route but only managed 465 miles before setting down in Sardinia.

新斯科细亚是加拿大最东北部的葡萄酒生产省份,目前拥有约12座酒厂。Nova Scotia, our most easterly and northerly wine-producing province, has presently about 12 wineries.

云彩起航了,像一只游弋着的舰队,重重舰影倒映在天空里,正在向东航行。The clouds sailed, an armada of floating shadows unmoored against the sky, charting an easterly course.

热带地区东风的增强,也是导致那里SST降低的重要机制。The intensified easterly over the tropical area is also an important mechanism dominating the colder SST.

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南亚高压和东风气流的部分特征参数有明显的年际和年代际变化。The interdecadal variations of some characteristic parameters of the SAH and the easterly wind are obvious.

东风多利卡6.2米高栏和解放6.2米高栏新车报价。Easterly Duolika 6.2 rice high hurdles and the new liberating 6.2 meters of high hurdles lathe quoted price.

梅雨期的结束跟日本馆野高空西风急流消失并且东风出现的日期很接近。When the jet stream over Japan disappears and easterly wind be-gins to appear, the May-Yü period terminates.

很显然,印度板块在以相对较快的速度向北移动,而青藏高原在以较慢的速度向东移动。The relatively fast northerly motion of India is evident, as is the somewhat slower easterly motion of Tibet.

东来的信风从印度洋横跨非洲大陆,当它们到达这里时已经失去大部分水分。Easterly trade winds blow from the Indian Ocean over the African continent, losing much of their moisture as they go.

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预计,“森拉克”将于今天在浙闽近海逐渐转向北偏东方向移动。It is estimated that north, Senlake offshore will change the easterly traverse gradually in today in Zhejiang Fujian.

除此之外,我们也走在北美板块和向东下陷的太平洋板块交接处。In addition, we also walked along the junction of the North American Plate and the easterly downward-moving Pacific Plate.

斯必尔角是北美洲的最东端,在这里除了日出美景,你还能看到冰山和鲸鱼。It's North America's most easterly point and besides the sunrises and great views you could also spot icebergs and whales.