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他是哈奇的杀手。He is hatcher's assassin.

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我怎么能相信一个暗杀者?How could I trust an assassin?

这名刺客是查尔斯·吉托。The assassin was Charles Guiteau.

我从未渴望做个刺客。I never aspired to be an assassin.

美国中情局要召一个刺客的职位。The CIA had an opening for an assassin.

那个行刺者被认为是个极端主义分子。The assassin was adjudged an extremist.

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刺客答应当夜就去行刺。Night agreed to go assassinate assassin.

耽搁是机遇的行刺者。Procrastination is opportunity's assassin.

飞行速度特别高,顶的上是瞬间杀手。They are a high speed, close-quarter assassin.

他被暗杀者的近距离开枪打死。He was mowed down by the assassin at point-blank range.

因为在鲍尔家宅的那个刺客询问过金姆的所在。The assassin at the safe house asked for her whereabouts.

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当然,他现在已经是耸人听闻的镰刀手-梅司特了。It was Zarles Kreiger, the assassin turned Scythe-Meister.

据说是一个著名双持刺客以前使用过遗物。A relic said to be worn by a famous dual wielding assassin.

不过,当蜘蛛遇上澳大利亚食虫椿象,那情形就反转了。But Australia's "assassin bug" turns the tables on spiders.

没有人知道这个人就是试图取帕默性命的刺客。No one knows that this is the candidate’s intended assassin.

乔治•克鲁尼以扮演职业杀手而享誉美国。George Clooney stars as a professional assassin in The American.

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杀手快刀手已经杀灭黑势力的两个首领。Assassin Swift Blade has already murdered two secret society leaders.

冉阿让开始懂了,德纳第以为他是一个凶手。Jean Valjean began to comprehend. Thenardier took him for an assassin.

1968年4月4日,在田纳西州孟菲斯市,一名暗杀者枪杀了马丁路德金。An assassin shot and killed King in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968.