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根茎为深的直根,粗的10毫米。Rootstock a deep taproot to 10 mm thick.

直根和根茎坚固的,红棕色。Taproot and rootstock stout, reddish-brown.

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在砧木萌动到展叶期嫁接为好。In the rootstock sprout to leaf grafting as well.

城市土地利用是城市交通需求的根源。Urban land using is the rootstock of the traffic demand.

接受嫁接的植物被称为根茎。The plant that accepts the graft is called the rootstock.

然后将其安全地放到根茎的切口处。The scion is then securely placed a cut on the rootstock.

根茎,你可以感觉到这可怜的植物一一天天地衰弱下去。The stack of the blighted rootstock will soon felt together.

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必须把槟樱桃枝条嫁接到砧木上。Braches that produce Bing cherries must be grafted onto rootstock.

选用适应本地生长的桑苗作砧木。Mulberry seedlings applicable to local growth are taken as the rootstock.

表达量最高的是幼根,这与根系作为水分吸收的主要器官一致。The expression trends in the scion are the same with that in the rootstock.

为研究考特和吉塞拉作为砧木对甜樱桃果实香气成分的影响。In order to study the effects of rootstock on aroma components of sweet cherry.

鸢尾草的根茎可用于生产香水和化妆品。The fragrant rootstock of the orris can be used in producing perfumes and cosmetics.

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美人蕉属植物,根茎可食,是食用淀粉的来源。Canna grown especially for its edible rootstock from which arrowroot starch is obtained.

大卫,赛扬,以及植物新砧木雅各布在“实地生长在早春”苗圃。David, Cy, and Jacob plant new rootstock in a "field-grown" tree nursery in early spring.

很明显,砧木或栽培品种都能对成龄植株的树形大小发生深刻的影响。Obviously both rootstock and cultivar will have a pronounced bearing on tree size at maturity.

橡胶砧木是芽接树重要组成,对接穗的生长、产量都有影响。Rootstock is a important component part of rubber budding tree and has influenced scion yield.

综合分析表明,丰砧适合作为“黑武士”西瓜的嫁接砧木。As a whole, Fengzhen rootstock was considered most suitable for grafting the Heiwushi watermelon.

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嫁接可以将理想品质的接穗接在生命力强并且抗病虫害的砧木上。Grafting can join scions with desirable qualities to rootstock that is strong and resists disease and insects.

讨论了AFLP分析的要点和AFLP技术在矮化砧木资源研究中的进一步应用。Key points of AFLP analysis, and application of AFLP techniques to rootstock resources research have been discussed.

“T”字形芽接法的砧木和接穗利用率前期低,后期高。The utilization rate of rootstock and scions with T-shaped budding were low in early stage and higher in late stage.