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我想我的脑额叶受到损害了。I think I damaged my frontal lobe.

在正位片上心影增大。On the frontal film the heart is large.

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软正面照明平滑的形式。Soft frontal lighting smoothes over form.

埃利奥特前额叶上有肿瘤。And Elliot had a tumor in his frontal lobe.

炮塔和车体的前装甲质量低下。The frontal hull and turret armor is low quality.

我们前进时,额叶皮质会感到愉悦。Our frontal cortexes love it when we move forward.

我的大脑前也像有刀在割一样。I got a knife slicing through my frontal lobe, too.

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癫痫发作类型以额叶癫痫最常见。The type of frontal lobe epilepsy was often viewed.

他们向公司董事发起了正面攻击。They launched a frontal attack on company directors.

同时有很强的湿度锋区,大气处于不稳定状态。The air is rather unstable near the moisture frontal zone.

同时伴有前扣带回和前额叶功能不良。With anterior cingulate and the frontal lobes dysfunction.

就在正面进攻的作战方案已经准备就绪。The battle plan for the frontal assault had been completed.

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相应级别组大脑额叶皮质各观察值差异不显著。The corresponding changes in frontal cortex were not found.

女性激素导致的脱发通常发生在前额以及头顶上。Female-pattern hair loss occurs at the frontal and parietal.

他首创了被称为额叶切断术的外科手术。He pioneered the surgical technique called frontal lobotomy.

但是朝鲜人懂得如何消解正面的攻势。But the North Koreans know how to deal with a frontal assault.

双武器现在也可以让你招架前方的近战攻击。Dual Wield now also allows you to parry frontal melee attacks.

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凯利亚·凯利在出生时没有大脑额叶。Kalila Kelley was born without the frontal lobes of her brain.

无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontal eminence.

避免额叶及间脑受损问题。However, avoiding trauma of frontal lobe and thalamus was noted.