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来自政党和政治行动委员会的捐款不能得到匹配资金。Contributions from parties and PACs are ineligible for matching.

此外,第三方主席,注册机构,和PACS接口增加了。In addition, a third-party HIS, RIS, and PACS interface has been added.

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医学图像压缩是远程医疗和PACS系统中的重要研究课题。The compression of medical image is the key to study tele-medicine & PACS.

本文就PACS的关键技术进行分析,提出了优化的解决方案。This paper analyzes the key technology of PACS and brive the optimal solution.

但是,目前实际应用的PACS都是基于文件系统的,即DICOM图像以文件的形式存储。But PACS is that based on file system and the DICOM images are stored in file form.

结论国强PACS既适合中国国情,又与国际标准接轨。Conclusion Guoqiang PACS is fit for both Chinese condition and international standard.

这将让游戏玩家你的三脚与行星突击母舰能够更容易的冲锋与歼灭敌人。This will make it far easier for your Tripods and PACs to charge in and destroy your enemy.

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PACS是计算机和网络技术对医学影像进行数字化处理的系统。PACS is a data-processing system for the medical photocopy with computer and net-technology.

介绍了聚硫氯化铝的合成方法,并对其除浊和脱色性能进行了测试。Relating to preparation technology of PACS. Testing its properties of removing chromaticity and turbidity.

方法比较影像科PACS与传统法两种完全不同的图像管理模式。Methods The both modes of traditional film storage vs PACS in radiologic department were compared each other.

随着在临床中应用的数字影像设备越来越多,CBIR对于PACS变得越来重要。With the increasing number of digital image modalities in routine use, CBIR is becoming more and more important for PACS.

结合医学影像信息学与计算机科学的相关知识,分析了在构建PACS时,实现基于DI-COM标准的医学影像辅助诊断系统的方法。This paper analyzes the method of implementation of a Medical Image Aided Diagnosis System based on DICOM standard in a PACS.

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CT图像在医学影像诊断中占有重要地位,CT图像压缩技术是PACS系统的重要组成部分。CT Image plays an important role in medical imaging diagnosis. CT Image compression technology is the important part of PACS system.

利用PACS并结合影像科放射教研组实习安排计划,能有效的提高临床专业实习生在放射科的实习效果。Utilizing PACS and combining the practical plan, can improve the practical result of medical students in the department of radiology.

医院PACS系统建设对全院网络系统的传输速度、可用性、稳定性和安全性提出了更高的要求。Bandwidth, availability, stability and safety of the network are very important for building a hospital- wide PACS in large hospitals.

结合广州医学院附属第二医院的实际情况,阐述了DICOM标准如何在PACS中应用。Associated with the reality of the Second Affiliated Hopsital of Guangzhou Medical College, the application of DICOM in PACS is explicated.

PACS系统的建立加速了放射科的数字化建设,方便了日常工作、科研、教学和会诊。The foundation of PACS accelerated the creatation of digitized radiology department, and made work, study, teach and consultation expediently.

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很多民间组织也建立了网站,监督对候选人、政党和政治行动委员会的捐款及捐款使用情况。Numerous private organizations also maintain Web sites to monitor the contributions and expenses of the candidates, political parties, and PACs.

公司或工会不得直接捐款,但可以资助展开个人募捐活动的政治行动委员会。Direct contributions from corporations or labor unions are prohibited, although these entities may sponsor PACs that raise money from individuals.

探讨PACS在医学影像毕业实践考试中的应用价值。同时也为其他学科的图像考试开辟了一条新的途径。Discusses PACS system application value in the medical image practice examination. Simultaneously opens a new way for other discipline image tests.