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专题讨论会和研讨会提交的截止日期为10月31日。The deadline for symposia and workshop submissions is October 31.

此谓信,乃诚信之信。这也是我从座谈之中得到的最大体会。The main experience I got from the symposia was the importance of sincerity.

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其他专题讨论会主题包括智能邮件,包装和直接邮寄的可持续性。Other symposia topics include Intelligent Mail, packaging and direct-mail sustainability.

我还参加了不少以股票买卖为专题的研讨会和会议。I have attended a large number of symposia and conferences on the business of stockbroking.

中国地球物理学会1989年主持召开了四次国内学术会议、一次国际学术会议。The Geophysical Society of China organized four domestic and one international symposia in 1989.

他们策划展览,出版书籍和手册,组织会议和论坛。They all curate exhibitions, publish books and catalogs , and organize conferences and symposia.

我们像往年一样向贵院寻求一个代表来参加我们在中国一年一度的研讨会。And we routinely seek a representative from your department to participate in our annual symposia in China.

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多年以来,委员和科学程序已经有了杰出的最新的会议和座谈会。Over the years, the Committee on Scientific Program has produced outstanding up-to-date sessions and symposia.

参展方可采用的表现手段是各式各样的,包括展示、文娱活动和学术讨论等等。Participants may adopt varied and different means of expression, including exhibitions, events, symposia and forums.

HPEF是一个非营利性集团专门组织和管理和哈利波特现象有关的教育性座谈会。HPEF is a non-profit corporation formed to manage and oversee educational symposia relating to the Harry Potter phenomenon.

该项目意味着2008年1月31日这一天,在国家专题讨论会的同时举行各地校园内的讨论会。The project culminates January 31, 2008, with a one-day, national symposia held simultaneously on campuses across the country.

我们可以这样认为,雅典人在古代、特别是在柏拉图所描绘的‘会饮’时代完善了自身的调情技巧。It is probably fair to say that the Athenians perfected the art of flirtation in ancient times, especially at the time of symposia described by Plato.

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因此,巨噬细胞生物学的主要焦点将是一个梯形专题讨论会会议上的血管炎和动脉粥样硬化的分子基础的。Consequently, macrophage biology will be a major focus of the Keystone Symposia meeting on Molecular Basis of Vascular Inflammation and Atherosclerosis.

参加者在这里会见了一些小的组织和做了一些非正式的座谈会。包括电影制作者,立法者,电影艺术学院学生和其他世界上的相关产业的人事。The attendees here met a small group as well as informal symposia and included film-makers, lawmakers, cinema art students and other industry constituents around the world.

网站提供了有关协会的介绍及其目标,会员信息,会议,期刊、报告和专题报告会会议记录等,各地区活动以及相关站点链接等。The site provides information about the ESA, its aims, members information, conferences, the bulletin, symposia proceedings and more, regional activities, and related links etc.

会议形式有小型会议以及正式的座谈会,包括电影制片人,立法人,电影艺术学生和来自世界各地的其他产业代表们。The attendees met in small groups as well as some in formal symposia , and included filmmakers, lawmakers, cinema art students and other industry constituents from around the world.

为了推进此类举措,医学协会董事会于2009年3月废除行业资助的座谈会,取消了年会期间制药公司提供的免费餐。In a related effort, the APA Board of Trustees voted in March 2009 to phase out industry-supported symposia and meals provided by pharmaceutical companies during APA annual meetings.

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出席者包括电影制作人、立法者、电影艺术学生和其他来自世界各地各行业人士。他们以小组及正式座谈会的方式会面。The attendees here met in small groups as well as in formal symposia , and included filmmakers, lawmakers, cinema arts students, and other industry constituents from around the world.

为数众多的想法和讨论产生了无数的出版物,论文,还有座谈会来从各个角度关心从垂直方向上进行战场支援的话题。An extraordinary amount of thought and discussion has resulted in numerous publications , papers, and symposia concerned with the issue of battlefield support in virtually all its aspects.

该组织在国家会议上提供高质量规划,开展研究活动,举办学术会议,为地球化学机构提供服务。The Division of Geochemistry serves the geochemical community by providing vigorous and quality programming at National Meetings, supports both general programmes and specialised symposia.