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他的精神世界无比成熟。His spirit was just so mature.

成熟原质团棕色。The mature plasmodium is brown.

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普罗旺斯一棵成熟的桑树。A mature mulberry tree in Provence.

许多人都想要变成熟。Many people are dying to be mature.

出苗至成熟为90天左右。Sprout to mature for 90 days or so.

稳重和成熟,他是个大男孩。Mature and grown-up, he's a big boy.

但是如今我们已经更加成熟了。I believe we are more mature as well.

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成熟花粉为二细胞型。The mature pollen grain is of 2-cell.

基督不立刻回来﹕教会要成熟。Delay of parousia, church will mature.

瓜熟蒂落之爱就像一个有生命的机体。Mature love is like a living organism.

那就是成熟了的桑果。That is, mature fruit of the mulberry.

成熟胚囊内具七个细胞。The mature embryo sac has seven cells.

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银杏果为银杏的成熟种子。Gingko nut is the mature seed of gingko.

有成熟客户资源者尤佳。Mature customer resources are preferred.

那我们继续吗,炎州将大人?That do we proceed, burning state mature?

无形中自己都觉得变成熟了,呵呵。Virtually change their mature feel, huhu.

女人越老越通灵及成熟。Women get psychic and mature as they age.

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淋巴球在淋巴组织中成熟。Lymphocytes mature in the lymphoid organs.

成熟堆肥添加到现有的花园壤土。Add mature compost to existing garden loam.

一般所说的人乳是指成熟乳。Generally called mature human milk is milk.