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你生我的气吗?You mad at me?

他一定是疯了。He must be mad.

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他都要让我发疯了。He makes me mad.

他完全疯了。He was stark mad.

你生汤姆的气了吗?Are you mad at Tom?

我一点都没生气。I'm not mad at all.

疯得像只三月的野兔。Mad as a March Hare.

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你会把我气疯的。You'll drive me mad.

我们应该为此愤怒吗?How mad should we be?

我米琴要是让你生气呢?I Meachen If you mad?

他在耍酒疯。He was mad with drink.

我意识到他疯了。I realized he was mad.

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我快被他气炸了。I'm boiling mad at him.

所以,今晚让我们疯起来吧!So let's be mad tonight!

疯狗咬主人。Mad dog bites his master.

那疯狗从丹身边跑过。The mad dog ran past Dan.

爱丽斯还在生你的气吗?Is Alice still mad at you?

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这下士兵们恼了。Now the soldiers were mad.

痴痴狂狂的小男人。Crazy crazy mad little man.

疯疯颠颠是疯子。Crazy folks are always mad.