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这是一个巨大的转折。It is a mass turn.

你怎么去测出它的质量How do you find this mass?

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目前有“一勾勾”传播基地在活动。It has a strong mass base.

由此我们可以算出这些纸的总质量为9千克。This gives a mass of 9 kg.

物体的中心在这里。This is the center of mass.

质量的单位是千克Mass is measured in kilograms.

这是质量集中的地方。That's where the mass resides.

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我们有很多受众。We had a great number of mass.

一个物体与弹簧相连A mass is attached to a spring.

就像Watts太太一样。She is a sort of mass of flesh.

质量越大,引力越强。More mass means stronger gravity.

一定要坚持走群众路线。The mass line must be adhered to.

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在他们眼中,这都是出于群众情绪。To them it was mass emotionalism.

弥撒曲是一种音乐体裁Well, a mass is a genre of music.

这是否是一种大众的心理疾病?Is it some kind of mass psychoses?

白云舒卷。The white clouds mass and scatter.

弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。A Mass is a kind of Church service.

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这是原子质量。And this is called the atomic mass.

这质量几乎可以忽略。And this mass is almost negligible.

这是一个安魂弥撒曲,什么是弥撒曲It's a Requiem mass. What's a mass?