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他唯一解套的办法是辞职。His only recourse was to resign.

他力陈马上采取行动的必要性。New means must of necessity be had recourse to.

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求助于放利者不应该。Recourse shouldn't be had to the money-lenders.

我劝你不要求助于放债的人。I don't advise you go have recourse to the money- lenders.

信教的人可以在宗教信仰中来寻求援助,精神活动会给予留在人世的人所需要的抚慰。People who are religious can seek recourse in their faith.

凭受益人汇票办理,对出票人无追索权。Availble against beneficiary 's draft, without recourse to drawers.

各州没有追索权,只能坐待高级法院的判决。The states had no recourse but to await the verdict of the high tribunal.

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在此期间,准妈妈们不能去寻找食物,那么她依赖什么生存呢?And during this time, mum-to-be can't hunt for food so what is her recourse?

以上这些都不能说明急切戒烟者想戒烟的话别无他法。None of this means that anxious smokers who want to stop are without recourse.

在这种赔偿条件下,B不保留偿还权利。Under such indemnification, no rights of recourse against B shall be retained.

投资者没有追索权,因为他的钱已经和这个创业者一起离开了中国。The investor had no recourse as his money left the country with the entrepreneur.

在一个开放的社会,你可以通过议员,来表达你的诉求。In an open society you have a recourse to address that through your representatives.

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公司各类管理人员以及所有希望把自己的时间变成能自我支配资源的人士。Managers and all the members who want to turn the time into self-controlling recourse.

所以唯一的希望就是找出能够最好杀死这些蚊虫的办法。So the only recourse has been to figure out how to best kill the mosquitoes themselves.

尽管有明显的欺骗,投资者对我说,他还是没有法律追索权。Despite the obvious deception, the investor told me that he again had no legal recourse.

本网欢迎其他童军领袖应用于童军事务上而无须事先得本网同意。Also, the recourse in this web can used by any scouters in scouting without any authorized.

他求助于各种迷信的方式,如抽签、千里眼、预感和解梦等。He had recourse to every superstition of sortilege, clairvoyance, presentiment, and dreams.

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冉阿让向她苦笑,有时他就这样笑着。Jean Valjean directed upon her that heartrending smile to which he occasionally had recourse

诉诸法律是不体面、缺乏仁慈的举动,因此必须避免。The recourse to the law court is an unbecoming and uncharitable conduct. It must be avoided.

阿袁外地学习,生活费用完,给家里拍电报求援。A Yuan other place learns, maintenance is over, recourse to the send a telegraph in the home.