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金钱只是一个象征。It is only a symbol.

台北我们需要同志模范生吗?。Do Taipei need Gay symbol?

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我选了圆周率的符号。I chose the symbol for pi.

兔子也是复活节的象征。Rabbit is a symbol of Easter.

这是繁殖力的象征。That's a symbol of fertility.

吹符乐疗法。Blows the symbol happy therapy.

白鸽象征着和平。La Paloma is a symbol of peace.

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符号是用户定义的名称。A symbol is a user-defined name.

这是桂林市的标志。It is the symbol of Guilin City.

狮子是勇武的象征。The lion is a symbol of courage.

印度教中湿婆的生殖器的象征。The hindu phallic symbol of siva.

安一量具,高品质的象征。On one gauge, high-quality symbol.

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狮子是勇武的象征。The lion is the symbol of courage.

有时她身边会有一道盈月,月亮是阿尔忒弥斯的象征。The moon is the symbol of Artemis.

界碑只是一种标识。A boundary marker is only a symbol.

‘Au’是金的化学元素符号。Au is the chemical symbol for gold.

`Au'是金的化学元素符号。Au is the chemical symbol for gold.

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这不仅是一滩油迹。This is a symbol of my gullibility.

添加程序库的符号表。Attaching the library's symbol table

王冠就是王权的象征。The diadem is the symbol of royalty.