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你停了下来,加入了一局已经进行了一半的掷骰子游戏。You stop and join some halflings playing a game of dice.

我家乡的半身人拿着铅板证明自己已经成年。Halflings of my village carry lead sheets to prove our manhood.

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你能够控制矮人,兽人,人类,精灵和侏儒。I had control over Dwarves, Orcs, Humans, Elves, and Halflings.

半身人倾向于光着脚,但在必要的时候他们能跑的很快。Halflings also tend to be light of foot, and can move quietly when necessary.

这在我的人民中是一种常见的习惯。我家乡的半身人拿着铅板证明自己已经成年。It's a common practice among my people. Halflings of my village carry lead sheets to prove our manhood.

因为我会在你袭击我之前逃走并喊来守卫,半身人的速度可是出了名的!Because I will be off and shouting for the guards before you can strike. Halflings are known for their speed!

这个半身人和其他半身人不一样的地方在于,当他被迫要做英雄的时候,他总是能做得很好。This halfling is unlike most other halflings , because when he's trapped to be the hero, he always comes out on top.

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你停了下来,加入了一局已经进行了一半的掷骰子游戏。几分钟后你就把他们所有人的钱都赢了过来,甚至从他们中间的一个人那里赢来了一个战争投石带。You stop and join some halflings playing a game of dice. Within minutes, you take all their money and even win one of their War Slings.

既然矮人、半身人、侏儒,甚至还有那些傲慢的精灵都被我们作为平等的一员对待,那为什么我们的半兽人后代却不能得到同等的待遇呢?Dwarves, halflings , gnomes, and even the arrogant elves are treated as equals, so why cannot our half-orc sons and daughters be treated in the same manner?

他们目前坚守在亡入侵的最前线,当人类,半身人和狼狼早就被迫迁移到他处时,矮子毫不畏惧的接受了档住亡灵大军的艰巨任务。They currently stand at the front line of the undead invasion, with the humans, Halflings and Vulmane already having been forced to move elsewhere and it is a task they readily accept.