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涓涓小溪也会成为滚滚洪流。A trickle becomes a torrent.

他的回答是连珠炮式的“漫骂”。His answer was a torrent of abuses.

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他们被激流冲倒。They were borne down by the torrent.

一股洪流冲下河川。A torrent of water swept down the river.

闯荡过多少险探激流。How many spells risk exploration torrent.

她用连珠炮似的谩骂来攻击他。She attacked him with a torrent of abuse.

那激流顺山坡而下冲出一条水沟。The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside.

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彭迪的想法引发了一阵实验潮。Pendry's ideas touched off a torrent of experiments.

请做好准备,以迎接免费服务洪流的到来。Get ready for a torrent of free services in its wake.

琴声中表达出来的感情奔腾澎湃得像流水一样。The sound of the lute roils and surges like a torrent.

随着激流淀开在黑夜与白天之间。With a torrent of amylin between daytime and at night.

飞机上大量数据被传输至德比。A torrent of data is beamed from the aircraft to Derby.

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怒涛滚滚,奔泻千里。An angry torrent rolls thunderously on for a thousand li.

过了一会儿,伯牙的心思转到流水那儿去了。Moments later, Bo Ya's mind turned to a torrent of water.

在一系列激进的宽松货币政策之后,这也本该如此。And so they should, following a torrent of monetary easing.

接着她下了一连串言语粗暴的指令。She followed with a torrent of harshly worded instructions.

冬雨过后,溪流湍急。After the winter rains, the stream becomes a raging torrent.

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雄心壮志就像洪流,从不后退。——塞缪尔约翰森。Ambition like a torrent never looks back. ----Samuel Johnson.

范进被胡屠夫一口在脸上,骂了一个狗血喷头。Butcher Hu spat in his face, and poured out a torrent of abuse.

浩荡的洪流冲过历史翻卷的漩涡。The mighty torrent rushing through the swirl of history rolled.