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我们等待你的口令。We await your command.

其他6人尚在候审。Six others await trial.

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我们等着测验分数。We await our test scores.

我们等著测验分数。We await our test scores.

臣民在等候您,陛下。The people await you,sire.

汤姆不愿意坐以待毙。Tom would not await his doom.

后来警察将他释放,让他等候审判。Magni to await trial in freedom.

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我急切的等待着下一章的问世!I eagerly await the next chapter!

来,希罗蒂,客人在等我们呢。Come Herodias our guests await us.

你可能边等结果边掉泪。You'll weep as you await the outcome.

处女伺候进入天堂的人。Virgins await those who enter paradise.

我们切盼你方进一步的消息。We await your further news with interest.

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我们热切期待着飞机引擎声的出现。We eagerly await the sound of the engines.

尚未入座者请等待下一场。All those unseated will await the next show.

发型设计店前等候烫发的海南青年。Some youths from Hainan Island await a perm.

也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺。Maybe We'll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said.

他们正被遣送到锡耶纳去等候交换。They're being sent to siena to await exchange.

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体育场外,其他的男孩们排着队等待着。Outside, other boys lined up to await their turn.

在5918个事件等候得到计算之时。At the moment 5918 events await to get calculated.

请没有要孤负我的自信心,等待您的回答。Do not betray my confidence. I await your response.