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什么是反物质?What Is Antimatter?

地球上的雷暴雨会把反物质掷进太空Thunderstorms on Earth Hurl Antimatter Into Space

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这些发物质束便被费米的仪器所捕获了。Those antimatter beams are then picked up by Fermi's instruments.

相反,物质粒子比反物质粒子略多一些。Instead, there were slightly more matter particles than antimatter.

假使他们制出的反物质原子与正常原子相接触将会发生些什么?What if the antimatter atoms they make come in contact with normal atoms?

当物质与反物质发生碰撞,他们在放出一瞬间的光能后随即消失。When matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate in a flash of energy.

反物质在物质中钻开缺口,导致老化、疾病和死亡。Antimatter bores holes in matter and causes aging illness disease and death.

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一个新发现的环地球反物质带可能会为宇航员提供最有用的帮助。A newly discovered belt of antimatter circling Earth could be an astronaut's best friend.

科学家认为,介子反物质动力飞船可能接近光的速度。Scientists agree that Pion antimatter powered spacecraft may approach the speed of light.

物理学家认为等量的正物质和反物质应该在宇宙大爆炸的过程中形成。Physics suggests equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been made in the Big Bang.

这也许还可以解释中微子为什么会在它的反物质状态和一般物质状态间不停摇摆的问题了。This might explain why neutrinos oscillate between their antimatter and regular-matter states.

反物质是由那些常态物质构成的反粒子组成的物质。Antimatter is matter that is composed of the antiparticles of those that constitute normal matter.

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水晶核心有物质和非物质的实相,一个是物质,另一个反物质的。The Crystalline Core has a physical and non physical reality. One is matter, the other antimatter.

至于反物质推进,最好的想法是将反质子收集起来并实施隔离。The best concepts for antimatter propulsion require that the antiprotons be collected and isolated.

反物质一旦接触到普通物质,两者即会同时湮灭。The problem is that whenever antimatter comes into contact with regular matter, the two annihilate.

媒体矩阵也由反物质所构建,它在你的分子结构中击出空洞。The media matrixes are also constructed from antimatter which bores holes in one's molecular structure.

当物质和反物质相遇时,它们就会自动湮灭,并在强大的爆炸中把它们的质量转换成能量。When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate, converting their mass into energy in a powerful explosion.

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然而,至今还没有人能够研究出这种类型的反物质原子的测量方法,上面的研究结果应该看做是一个良好的开端。Since no one has been able to make these types of measurements on antimatter atoms at all, it's a good start.

电视与其它媒体,例如阅读报纸或书刊杂志,会利用反物质轰炸形体。Television and other media such as reading newspapers, books and magazines, bombard the form with antimatter.

刚多罗说,暗恒星会发出伽马射线,产生中微子以及象正电子和反质子之类的反物质。Instead they would produce gamma rays, neutrinos and antimatter such as positrons and antiprotons, Gondolo said.