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尼安德特人全部基因组的初步草案正在完成中。A preliminary draft of the full Neandertal genome is in the works.

2010年,穴居人基因密码的破译将这项工作推向了顶峰。In 2010, that work culminated in the publication of the Neandertal genome.

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科学家们发现尼安德特人与我们现代人大脑的尺寸差不了多少。Scientists have shown that Neandertal brains are about the same size as ours.

尼安德特人的DNA序列不同于在现在人类的序列。The Neandertal DNA sequence falls outside the variation range found in humans today.

尚未发表的新近研究显示,尼安德塔人的Y染色体与人类不同。New, still unpublished work reveals that the Neandertal Y chromosome differs from the human one.

为了证明这个在认知方面的问题,研究者对11个尼安德特人进行了CT扫描,这11个人里头包括一名新生儿。To probe this cognitive conundrum, researchers took CT scans of 11 Neandertal brains, including one newborn.

CT扫描的结果显示,尼安德特人婴儿的大脑和我们现代人婴儿的大脑在形态上一样,都是狭长型,但是现代人在成年后的大脑会变得更远,而尼安德特人的大脑在成年后依然是狭长型。CT scans reveal that the brains of Neandertal babies had the same elongated shape as those of modern human babies.

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最近的基因研究已经表明,穴居人是一个完全不同的物种,并没有合并到智人智人基因库。Recent DNA studies have indicated that the neandertal was an entirely different species and did not merge into the H. sapiens sapiens gene pool.

尼安德特人的大脑和现代人的大脑在大小上相差无几,但生活在旧石器时代的人类祖先之中并未出现贤能之人。Scientists have shown that Neandertal brains are about the same size as ours. Yet our Paleolithic brethren are not known for having been great scholars.

为了破解这一谜题,研究人员对包括一名新生儿在内的11名尼安德特人的大脑进行了CT扫描,并将影像图与现代人类的进行了对比。To probe this cognitive conundrum, researchers took CT scans of 11 Neandertal brains, including one newborn. And they compared these images to those of modern humans.

如果所有的物种被发现,该名男子,他们是家族内,最可能的宗族将包括所有,但强大的南方古猿和穴居人。If all species have been discovered and the lineage of man lies within them, the most probable lineage would include all but the robust Australopithecines and the neandertal.

对DNA降解片段进行测序的新方法使得科学家们能够第一次对现代人基因组与我们的尼安德特人祖先的基因组进行直接的比较。New methods of sequencing degraded fragments of DNA allowed scientists to make the first direct comparisons between the modern human genome and that of our Neandertal ancestors.

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分析当时可利用的尼安特人的线粒体DNA高变区数百个碱基,认为不能排除尼安特人与现代人在基因水平上可能存在亲缘关系。Mitochromic analysis allows us to speculate the genetic relationship between Neandertal and modern humans based on the limited Neandertal mtDNA sequences of the high variable regions 5 years ago.