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他态度非常友好,但是态度暧昧。He was friendly but noncommittal.

他收到她的一封态度不明的信。He received a noncommittal letter from her.

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被问到争论的问题时,你要做出一个诚实但中立的答案。If asked about a controversial topic, give an honest but noncommittal answer.

现在它当前为新目标的意图空洞而暧昧。So far its current attempts at a new mission have been fluffy and noncommittal.

哈利嘴里又塞满了面包,只好耸耸肩膀,不置可否地甩了一下脑袋。His mouth now full of bread, Harry shrugged and gave a noncommittal jerk of the head.

我会提醒自己察看对方是否表情木然、语言含含糊糊或目光不定。I remind myself to look for glazed expressions, noncommittal grunts, or darting eyes.

在最近的三个球季,老克对于自己是否会继续在大联盟的球员生涯都是维持含糊的态度。As he has been the last three seasons, Clemens was noncommittal on his future as a player.

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其它银行仍未明确表示它们获得的联邦资助中将有多少用于发放新贷款。Other banks remain noncommittal about how much of their federal help will go toward new loans.

对于外界传的哪怕一个月成交一套房,也是有赚的说法,他也不置可否。For the outside world was even a suite month contract, and also earned a statement, he also noncommittal.

在福克斯电视台的周日新闻中,当被问及是否支持此计划时,伊利诺斯州的民主党译员迪克•得宾并没有明确表态。Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin was noncommittal when asked if he would back the plan on "Fox News Sunday".

朱序贵要求工作人员给他出具一份房产公司不予交房的证明,但工作人员不置可否。Zhu wrote to the staff of your request he not sought to produce evidence of a real estate company, but staff noncommittal.

兆良的罪行败露后,卓凯便开始计划回复一众卧底的警察身份,但卓凯的上司却对此事不置可否。Trillion good downfall, drache began to plan to reply a the undercover police identity, but drache boss was noncommittal on this matter.

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此外,异化与归化只构成翻译策略的两极,其中间地带是等化翻译。In addition, between the two extremities of foreignizaton and domestication, equalization forms a third noncommittal translation strategy.

开始,杰克的态度不明朗,后来,经过思考,杰克说他经常帮助打扫医院,而且确实喜欢这个工作。Initially, he was noncommittal. After giving it some thought, he stated that he often helped clean around the hospital ward and really enjoyed it.

英国机构在一份声明中含糊其辞,对此不置可否,只是说今后的花费将以“从根本上消除贫困”为基础。The British agency was noncommittal in a statement, saying that future spending “will be made based on impact on poverty eradication on the ground.”

股市连跌六周后,投资者对于股价是否已足够低廉,仍不确定.Investors remained noncommittal about whether stocks have become cheap enough after six weeks of selling to pour some money back into equities again.

虽然陈奕迅对即将准备搬家入住豪宅一事不置可否,但如果真的为女儿安全考虑,搬家也在情理之中。Eason Chan While on the preparations for the forthcoming move of the luxurious stay noncommittal But if they do for the safety of her daughter, moving is also reasonable.

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如果有一些原本支持的人在后期的集体大会上突然持反对意见或态度模糊了,你可以用一些技巧来让他们重新回到原来的立场。If someone is supportive individually but becomes antagonistic or noncommittal in a later “big meeting, ” you can always tactfully refresh their memory about an earlier favorable position.