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将西谷米和甜菜汁放入锅中烹煮。Place tapioca in a pan with the beet juice.

她窘得满脸通红。She was so embarrassed she turned beet red.

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或者只是挠他的痒痒直到他笑得脸都红了。Or just tickle a kid until he is beet red from laughter.

结论甜菜红色素有抗疲劳作用。Conclusion Betalain from red beet has anti-fatigue effect.

但甜菜罗宋汤是最常见的一种。However, beet borscht is the most common form of this soup.

犯了那个愚蠢的错误,吉米的脸涨得像红甜菜。Jim's face was red as a beet after he made the foolish mistake.

甜单303是甜菜遗传单粒型多倍体杂交种。The Tiandan303 is a genetic monogerm polyploid sugar beet hybrid.

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主要农作物是大麦、小麦、糖用甜菜、土豆和蘑菇。The main crops are barley wheat sugar beet potatoes and mushrooms.

至少用纸条的方式,我可以表达我的想法而不至于臊红了脸。At least in a note, I can get the words out without turning beet red.

以三甲胺及一氯乙酸为原料合成甜菜碱。Beet alkali was synthesized from trimethylamine and chloroacetic acid.

现在我们要把外档的甜菜渣卸到驳船上。Now we are going to unload the beet pulp pellet overside into the barges.

爱达荷甜菜种植商们,比如格兰特,可能正处于最坏的情形。Sugar beet growers in Idaho, such as Grant, may be in the worst situation.

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本发明涉及红甜菜可乐及其制备方法。The present invention relates to red beet cola and its preparation process.

商业化生物乙醇主要是利用甘蔗、甜菜和玉米生产的。Commercial bioethanol is mostly produced from sugarcane, sugar beet and corn.

比特夫人在他进行人工呼吸之后,方才很快地苏醒过来。After he gave the lady mouth-to-mouth breathing, Mrs Beet came to herself soon.

在欧洲,糖价受到控制以保护种植糖用甜菜的农场主的利益。Prices are controlled in Europe to protect the interests of sugar beet farmers.

像菠菜、甜菜、牛皮菜等蔬菜同样如此。The same is true for a few vegetables like spinach, beet greens, and Swiss chard.

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本文首次报告了甜菜远缘杂交胚珠培养的结果。This paper reported the first results of ovule culture in beet wide hybridization.

甜菜夜蛾几丁质合成通路基因的研究和应用。Studies on the chitin synthesis pathway genes of the beet armyworm and their utilization.

将胡萝卜汁和甜菜,黄瓜的汁结合,尤其有效。Carrot juice, in combination with the juices of beet and cucumber, is especially valuable.