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不能移动或抵制运动的。Inability to stand because of motor incoordination.

由于肌肉运动不协调而不能站立。Inability to stand because of motor incoordination.

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肝胃不和证存在胆汁排泌不良或肠肝循环瘀滞。Some statsisin intestine-liver circulation occurs in patients with liver-spleen incoordination.

而虚拟经济与实体经济非协调发展的典型表现就是资产泡沫。The typification of incoordination between fictitious economy and real economy is asset bubble.

从主要指标的比较中反映了广州市的优势,也揭示了经济与社会的不协调、存在的问题和差距。However, the indexes also show that Guangzhou is suffering from incoordination between society and the economy.

症状是逐步显现出来的,包括运动不协调发展至瘫痪、变声和摄食困难。There is a gradual onset of signs, which include incoordination progressing to paralysis, changed voice, and difficulty eating.

第三章具体分析人大监督权、执政党领导权与独立司法权产生偏离的原因。Chapter 3 analyzes the reasons of incoordination between jurisdiction, the people'congresses supervision and the Party'leadership.

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本文关于虚拟经济与实体经济非协调发展的研究正是基于这一历史背景而展开的。This paper on the study of incoordination between fictitious economy and real economy is just based on this historical background.

财政资源初始分配的不协调并没有在转移支付环节中得到纠正。Fiscal resources incoordination in initial assignment was not corrected in inter-governmental fiscal relations, specially sub-provincial levels.

组织分析显示,两相之间变形不协调是相界微裂纹产生的根本原因。Structure analysis showed that the incoordination in deformation process of two phases is the main reason why microcrack occurs at phase boundary.

从全球经济的发展现状来看,虚拟经济与实体经济的非协调发展问题正日益突出。From the development of global economy, the problem of incoordination between fictitious economy and real economy is becoming increasingly prominent.

这些不协调已经直接影响到经济的稳健和快速发展,并由此而引发了一系列严重的社会问题。This incoordination already directly affected the economical health, and the fast development, and it has initiated a series of serious social problem.

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消费与投资增长不协调是我国当前宏观经济中的重要问题,这个问题已成为我国经济社会协调发展的严重障碍。Incoordination between consume and increase of investment is an important problem in macroeconomy in China, which has blocked development of our society.

通过综述议论的方法,阐述了体育社会化在现阶段的基本内涵是体育面向社会,同时发动全社会来办体育。Sports socialization is regarded as breakthrough of Chinese sports reform to change the long existed incoordination between athletic sports and masses sports.

很多交流障碍是由于发音肌瘫痪,软弱,不协调或认知功能障碍。There are a variety of disorders of communication that may be due to paralysis, weakness, or incoordination of the speech musculature or to cognitive impairment.

但在城市扩展过程中出现了诸多不协调现象,尤其是城市空间结构和城市交通的不协调,困扰着这些城市。However, in the course of city expansion, the cities have been perplexed by many incoordination phenomena, especially that between urban spatial structure and urban traffic.

没问题。根据中医理论,疾病的发生是阴阳失调所致。而疾病的治疗就是。Sure. According to TCM theory, the occurrence of diseases is the incoordination between YinYangthe treatment of diseases is the reestablist8nt of the equilibrium between them.

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人与“事”的不协调是绝对的,我认为解决这一矛盾的方法之一是进行职工培训。In my opinion, to deal with the incoordination which definitely exists between employees and job qualifications, one solution is to implement a training program for the employees.

这种阶地级数的不相一致性,同峡内外地壳运动的差异性、侵蚀作用和堆积作用的差别性都有密切的关系。This incoordination of terrace series is closely related to the diversity of crustal movement and difference of erosion and accumulation between the inside and outside of the Changjing Gorge.