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他是一个严格、认真、自学成才的精神病患者,小心翼翼地控制着他的精神健康状态。He's a strict, conscientious, self-taught psychopath who vigilantly maintains his mental ill health.

这在中国简直不可想象,那儿的女人一般都会把自己裹得严严实实,为了不让自己的皮肤晒成苦工一样的古铜色。Pursuing a tan is anathema in China, where women vigilantly cover their skin to avoid the bronze of a laborer.

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有鉴于此,欧洲人和美国人都必须警惕地捍卫1989年11月的真正历史业绩。For this reason, both Europeans and Americans must vigilantly defend the real historical legacy of November 1989.

为了确保我们思想观念的清晰,我们必须谨慎地处理任何给定的思想观念及其对象之间的关系。To ensure that our ideas are clear, we must vigilantly attend to the relationship between any given idea and its object.

当务之急是我们攻击的危险因素都同时和管理的形象,每个病人输入更多的警惕。It is imperative that we attack all risk factors simultaneously and manage the profile of each patient type more vigilantly.

而几名议员则因接受折价贷款而免对贷款商进行严格监管。A couple of senators are accused of accepting cut-price loans from a lender they should have been regulating more vigilantly.

俄罗斯是一个只有1.4亿人的国家,却警惕地捍卫自己的领土,她的领土一寸也不会给中国人。Russia is a nation of only 140 million people, yet guard her territory vigilantly not giving an inch of ground to the Chinese.

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当新总裁费德南得知未婚妻准备在身边安插一个眼线时,马上提高了警惕。When south new president Feder knew that the fiancee prepares in the side to place time an informer, enhanced vigilantly immediately.

儿童和成年人都应该经常看皮肤科医生,检查雀斑情况,并要小心使用SPF—30或者级别更高的防晒霜。Children and adults alike should have their freckles monitored regularly by a dermatologist and vigilantly use sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.

我们必须是自己思想的象徵符号的金钱兑换人,警觉地测试、验明他们的金属、重量及肖像真假。We have to be money changers of our own representations of our thoughts, vigilantly testing them, verifying them, their metal, weight, effigy.

新闻教育在报道领域专业化改革的同时,尤其要警惕进入“其他学科化”的误区。Especially the journalistic education during report domain specialization reform's, must enter "other disciplines" vigilantly the erroneous zone.

总的来说,Eck女士说,她的儿子有着营养的饮食,但在餐厅吃饭就很难做到,他们必须警惕的阅读食品标签。Over all, Ms. Eck said, her son has a nutritious diet, but eating in restaurants is difficult, and they must vigilantly read food product labels.

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我们必须警惕地保护他们的身份秘密就像他们保护我们的安全一样,我们必须让他们满怀信心的继续工作。We must protect their identities as vigilantly as they protect our security, and we must provide them with the confidence that they can do their jobs.

俄罗斯则对格鲁吉亚这一前苏联加盟国的亲西方立场不满,对美国的威胁充满警惕。Russia adds the allied country to Georgian this former Soviet Union to kiss the Western standpoint to be discontented, fills vigilantly to US's threat.

小说中的恶棍头头史格行事最为干净利落,他是一个严谨认真无师自通的精神变态者,小心翼翼维持着自己的精神失常。Chigurh, the chief villain, throws the cleanest jabs. He's a strict, conscientious, self-taught psychopath who vigilantly maintains his mental ill health.

人民民主党清洁工遭带入清洗地板和维持厕所整洁,人民民主党看守员封锁免税商店和核票登机口。PAD cleaners were brought in to keep the floors and toilets in order. The duty-free and check-in areas were sealed off and vigilantly protected by PAD guards.

为了毁灭邪恶的法器至尊魔戒,年轻的霍比特人佛罗多·巴金斯冲破了层层阻碍和黑暗的力量。Indulgently mindset to destroy the One Ring the weapon of evil, Frodo Baggins, the young hobbit vigilantly surpasses all the terrifying obstacles and dark forces.

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其实,看看曾经意气万丈的先锋文学,在今天已经“新”成咋样了,就该警惕纪录片界的维新运动了。In fact, looking back in today's totally "new" world at our lofty-spirited vanguard literature, we should vigilantly reform the motions of the documentary circles.

盖埃诺说,他的部门正在努力改进揭发维和人员违法乱纪行为和加强对维和人员进行教育的机制,但是他承认,需要做的事还很多。Guéhenno says his department is working vigilantly to improve mechanisms for reporting instances of misconduct and to educate peacekeepers, but concedes more needs to be done.

20世纪30年代,欧洲女性最先开始穿着这款两件套泳衣,泳衣由颈部系带和短小的布料组成,但是只有上腹部的一小薄片是露出来的,而肚脐部位是被特意覆盖了的。European women first began wearing two-piece bathing suits that consisted of a halter top and shorts in the 1930s, but only a sliver of the midriff was revealed and the navel was vigilantly covered.