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长安回望绣成堆,山顶千门次第开。I look back Chang'an hilltop embroidered in multicolor.

会标多色的的路易威登袋格里塔是一个古典和优雅。Multicolor Louis Vuitton bags Greta is a classic and elegant.

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会标多色的的路易威登袋格里塔是一个古典和优雅。Monogram Multicolor Louis Vuitton bags Greta is a classic and elegant.

精致,多色,异型的产品的印刷首选。Good choice for the odd-shaped products exquisite multicolor printing results.

精致,多色,异型的产品的印刷首选。Good choice for the odd-shaped products, exquisite and multicolor printing results.

一次印刷多色,无须套色,完美的颜色过渡,惊人的印刷效果。Multicolor printing no chromatography needed perfect color transition alarming printing results.

纯手工制作,红色是剪纸的主要颜色,也有多色和其它颜色的剪纸。Paper-cuts are all handmade and their main color is red as well as multicolor and some other colors.

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龙俐鱼在南瓜中煎烤,点缀着营养健康、色彩丰富的蔬菜和浓厚、奶油味和果仁味十足的酱料。Sole fillet baked in a pumpkin with healthful multicolor vegetables and a rich, creamy, nutty sauce.

采用10.4英寸真彩色触摸屏作为控制、调试、监控界面。Besides, 10.4 inch clearly multicolor touch screen is used to command, debug and supervise interface.

但是随著科技发达,萨克斯风的颜色已经持续在增加当中,甚至有彩色的萨克斯风。However, with new technologies, the numbers of colors have increased and even includes a multicolor sax.

我回过头去看,见到“秘密”如多彩的丝绦编织着我的整个人生!I can look back and see it as strands of a multicolor ribbon winding and twisting through my whole life!

滴下与我们在早先岗位提出的单色扣篮一起,是多色系列。Dropping along with the solid color Dunks that we presented in the previous post, is the Multicolor Series.

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家庭五金专卖店,提供各种工具用品,建筑及电动。Jotun Multicolor Paints Centre, supplies a variety of hardware, building materials and electrical products.

本实用新型涉及一种具储存功能的多色笔,属于办公用品类。The utility model relates to one kind of multicolor pen with storage function, pertaining to office supplies.

我们已经提出了您银色论坛和多色论坛,这里现在一些更多由于复合体。We have already presented you the silver Forum and the multicolor Forum, here now a few more thanks to Complex.

色彩管理是实现跨设备高质量颜色再现的重要途径。Color management is an important way to realize high quality reproduction of multicolor among different devices.

但是,现在大多数商业和工业丝网印刷是做单,多色自动印刷机。Now, however, most commercial and industrial screen printing is done on single and multicolor automated presses.

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输出彩色光,用于光纤满天星,光纤垂帘等装饰照明。Multicolor light, applied to fiber-optic illumination and decoration such as starlit sky and pendent curtain, etc.

之后拿一串25个的C9彩灯,把灯泡插到每个罐子里。Using a string of 25 multicolor C9 lights, insert every other bulb on the string into the top opening of each jug.

此方法可以在只用一个单色激光器和白光的条件下,很方便地选取图象色彩并同时获得一系列多色象。By this method it is easy to collect the color of image and to obtain a series of multicolor image at the same time.