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它是千足虫,但是个头很大。This is a Millipede , but it's a giant !

我找到了一只千足虫,就在身体上磨擦。I find a millipede insect and rub it over my body.

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呵呵,我还是第一次见到如此大只的马陆呢!It was my first time seeing such a huge millipede !

当我找到一只千足虫昆虫,我会在我身上摩擦它。When I find a millipede insect, I rub it over my body.

平时,马陆看起来像是对人类无害的生物。Normally, a millipede looks like a harmless creature to humans.

因此,它也许类似蜈蚣或多足动物,或者有脚的蠕虫。So it may have resembled a centipede or millipede , or a worm with legs.

卷尾猴经常擦用某种类型的千足虫的身体。Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of millipede.

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值得注意的是,尽管他们的名字,没有千足虫已超过750英尺。It is noteworthy that despite their name, no millipede has more than 750 feet.

小蛇在遇到千足虫之前是有上百只脚的只是没有眼睛。Snake has hundreds and hundreds of legs, but no eyes, until he meets Millipede.

但对于微小的探险队员而言,身怀致命毒液的马陆可是危险至极。However, for the micro-sized crew, a millipede is of great danger due to its deadly fluid.

我发现一种千足虫,把它擦在身上,它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬。I find a millipede insect and rub it over my body. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.

研究团队认为,该系统可以推及之于常规工作方式制造物件,而非像Millipede那样仅存储数据。Knoll's team thinks the system could be put to regular work making things instead of storing data as Millipede does.

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这种多刺带毒的千足虫会从嘴巴中射出氰化物,得名于其亮丽的粉色。This millipede shoots cyanide from its mouth. It is a spiny and toxic millipede aptly named for its bright pink color.

多足纲的节肢动物几种节肢动物的任一种,如蜈蚣或千足虫,长有分节的身体、一对触角和至少九对足。Any of several arthropods such as the centipede or millipede having segmented bodies one pair of antennae and at least nine pairs of legs.

在潮湿的季节,千足虫会从下水道和绿化地带向你的工作、生活空间侵入,成群成片的数目会使你感到毛骨悚然。In moist season, millipede would invade your home from downcomer and green belt around home. Swarm millipedes would let you feel thrillingness.

他在「变形虫」电玩机台的外壳内安装了MAME机器,而且他拥有数十种大型电玩,因此可以合法使用这些电玩的游戏档案。He has a Millipede cabinet to house the MAME machine. And he has legal rights to use the ROM files for each of the dozens of arcade games he actually owned.

我在困惑和无助中到处流浪,一只好心的百足虫让我坐上他的列车去旅行,可我不知道终点该在哪里。In perplexity and helplessness, I wondered about everywhere. A kind millipede invited me to travel in his train, but I had no idea where the termination was.