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一个过去式,换不了不等式。A past tense, for not inequality.

我们并不想完全消除不平等。we don't want to eliminate inequality.

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人生于世即是不平等的。It's inequality to everyone from birth.

一般0.4以上被认为财富“高度不平等”。An index above 0.4 signals high-degree inequality.

他还承诺解决不平等和腐败的问题。He also pledged to tackle inequality and corruption.

在较富有的特许学校和,so, inequality between the wealthier charter schools

显而易见,社会紧张来自分配不公。It is clear that social tension comes from inequality.

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财富不平等是事实,那么愤怒在哪儿呢?So wealth inequality is real, but where’s the outrage?

黑人能感觉到的只是越来越不平等。The black sense of inequality is, if anything, growing.

等级制度是收入不平衡一个重大的原因。Casteism is a very significant reason for income inequality.

麦金泰尔认为,这种现象的症状是巨大的不平等。One symptom of this, MacIntyre contends, is gross inequality.

社会等级无处不在,并且机制化了不平等的关系。Social hierarchy is prevalent and institutionalizes inequality.

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尽管如此,他也承认现实世界里不平等的现象随处可见。Although, he admits that the real world is rife with inequality.

老年人间存在巨大的不平等,这是一个问题。There's great inequality among the elderly and that's a problem.

人类分工一旦出现,就会有不平等出现。Once the human division of labor, there will be inequality there.

防止社会性别不平等的代际传递。limiting the perpetuation of gender inequality across generations

怒视的不平等是那在经理和休息之间。The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest.

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不平等会歪曲激励和限制机会。Inequality can itself distort incentives and restrict opportunities.

这些严重的不平等侵蚀了该地区的社会凝聚力。These high levels of inequality erode social cohesion in the region.

你对于贫富之间的不平等有什么看法?What's your opinion on the inequality between the rich and the poor?