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这有许多简直是乌托帮的空想。Much of it is simply Utopian fiction.

但这仅是孟京辉的一个乌托邦似的理想。But this is Meng Jinghui's utopian ideal.

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第二是对于乌托邦的热情的丧失。Second, there has been a loss of utopian élan.

听起来像是乌托邦?基尔丁坚持说他是一个现实主义者。Sounds utopian? Gilding insists he is a realist.

最后,还有一种乌托邦式的亲奴制And lastly, there was a kind of utopian pro-slavery.

反乌托邦文学是对乌托邦文学的讽刺性模拟。Anti-Utopian literature is a parody of Utopian literature.

这种乌托邦式的梦想根本不可能实现。This Utopian dream is far beyond the range of possibility.

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康有为倡导建立一个没有政治界限的乌托邦式的大同社会。Kang proposed a utopian world free of political boundaries.

布洛赫的乌托邦哲学具有很强的宗教色彩。Bloch's utopian philosophy has a strong charactor of religion.

乌托邦式的国家也出现在著作的柏拉图和培根。Utopian states also appear in the writings of Plato and Bacon.

我在乌托邦的书里没有找到现成模式的指导思想。I had no convenient cicerone in the pattern of the Utopian books.

实际的和实用的,否定了空想的和先验的东西。The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental.

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即便是乌有之乡的人士也一定会感受到张所希望的乌托邦性质,真是很有反讽意味。Even Utopia must see the irony in the utopian nature of Zhang’s hopes.

这可能有点夸大其词,但还是有道理的。That’s a slightly Utopian overstatement, but there is some truth in it.

我们这对不切实际的怪老头,觉得对文学怀有一份责任。We are a pair of utopian codgers who feel we have a duty to literature.

我们俩是一对乌托邦式的老怪物,总觉得对文学负有责任。We are a pair of utopian codgers who feel we have a duty to literature.

绿皮书就是乌托邦式的极权主义的拙劣预演。The Green Book was an exercise, if a daft one, in utopian totalitarianism.

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一些研究人员的梦想是建立一个健康的乌托邦世界。The dream of some researchers is to create a utopian world of good health.

欧文既是空想社会主义的理论家,又是空想社会主义的实践者。Robert Owen is a theoretician as well as a practioner of utopian socialism.

一张表示乌托邦式平等,所有五等分的阶层都平分财富。One depicted utopian equality, with wealth distributed equally among five groups.