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怎么可能快乐阿,干这么滥的活。You can't be happy by doing something groovy.

来自前例的Runner.groovy可以如平时一样运行。Runner.groovy from the previous example can run as is.

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肱骨内髁骨折的护理常规?。Of fracture of the condyle inside humerus nurse groovy ?

在Groovy1.0中,不支持共变的返回类型。In Groovy 1.0, covariant return types were not supported.

让我们看看在Groovy中如何使用注解,枚举和泛型。Let's see how annotations, enums and generics can be used from Groovy.

因此,我们需要在EmployeeBeanController.groovy中定义这个新的动作。So, we need to define that new action in EmployeeBeanController.groovy.

第一个例子介绍了在Groovy中用省略号来使用可变长度变量的方法A first example will show the usage of varargs in Groovy with the ellipsis

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我要发扬茶的传统,让茶更酷、更彩、更帅。I wanted to take the traditions of tea and make them cool, hip and groovy.

怀旧的赌场,你可以想象70年代的那些港式功夫电影在这里拍摄。Groovy casino, you can just imagine some 70's chopsocky film getting made here.

如果去医院检查肾炎的尿常规的流程是如何的?Is if go to a hospital inspecting the make water of nephritis, groovy flow how?

这样做的部分结果是,我们可以尝试利用和改善对EMF的Groovy支持。As part of this effort we could try to leverage and improve Groovy support for EMF

因此,在EmployeeBeanController.groovy中增加一个空方法来接收请求。So, add an empty method in EmployeeBeanController.groovy to accept these requests.

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象Groovy这样的动态语言可以无痛地实现自定义的AOP。Dynamic languages like Groovy make implementing custom-AOP infrastructure painless.

在这里,不需要迅捷的装备,也不需要常规的环保瑜伽垫,更不需要超级柔韧的身体。No flash outfits, groovy eco-friendly yoga mats or super flexible bodies needed here.

设计了一种金属孔板波纹填料用刺孔机,包括上、下辊轮,刺辊,槽辊,减速系统。It includes the up and down rolling wheel, thorny roller, groovy roller, reducing gears.

与常规的文件压缩相比,表的压缩率取决于更多的因素。Compress photograph comparing with groovy file, the compressibility of the watch depends on more elements.

如果Groovy不合你的胃口,我们可以在你选择的动态语言中重新实现以上各例。If Groovy isn't to your taste, we could re-implement the above examples in the dynamic language of your choice.

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对于Groovy代码的抽象语法树的分析,可以让我们搜集到我们需要的所有相关信息。The analysis of the abstract syntax tree of the Groovy code, allows us to collect all relevant information we need.

槽前的挤土位移量比不设槽时要大,而槽后的位移量则远远小于不设槽时的情况。The soil displacement in front of the groovy appears to largen, while behind it is far smaller then without groovy.

x分支是当前Groovy的稳定版,而1.6版的开发仍在继续进行。branch is the current stable release of Groovy that is being maintained while the steady development of 1.6 continues.