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地质聚合物是一种新型高性能胶凝材料。Geopolymer is a new kind of cementitious material with high performances.

试验证明,经过活化的煤矸石可以改善复合水泥的胶凝性能。It is proved that activated coal gangue can improve the cementitious behaviour of compound cement.

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实坚万能灰泥是一种聚合物改良特别配制的,抗缩且坚硬及坚韧的修补灰泥。Scin Toughcrete is a specially formulated polymer modified hard and tough cementitious repair mortar.

无宏观缺陷水泥已成为高性能胶凝材料学科的重要研究方向。Macro-defect-free cements have become an important orientation of high performance cementitious materials.

加人适当矿物掺合料是使水泥基材料达到高性能的重要手段之一。Mineral admixture plays an important role in applying concrete with high performance cementitious material.

对碱偏高岭土胶凝材料的凝结硬化性能进行了研究。The setting and hardening characteristics of alkali-activated metakaolin cementitious materials were investigated.

浆材胶凝体系流变性能的研究显示,此体系属于假塑性流体,具有剪切稀化的性质。Rheology study reveals that the cementitious system of the grout is pseudoplastic fluid with shear-thinning property.

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首先通过硅酸盐水泥与铝酸盐水泥复合试验,找出两种水泥的最佳复合比例。In this experiment, portland cement, calcium aluminate cement and dehydrate gypsum is used for cementitious materials.

石粉是否作为浆体材料对于碾压混凝土的气泡参数测定有直接影响。The testing of air void parameters could been influenced directly by regarding stone powder as cementitious materials.

结合特殊的水泥基材料,研制了一种新型的预制钢丝网复合墙板。This paper reports a new off-site manufactured panellised wall that is constructed using an innovative cementitious material.

用能谱仪对高性能矿渣胶凝材料样品进行了微区化学成分定量分析。The small area chemical composition quantitative analysis of high performance slag cementitious materials was studied using XPS.

根据本发明,我们向黏性混合物中添加新颖的、表面相对光滑、多孔状的膨胀珍珠岩。In accordance with our invention we add a novel relatively smooth-surfaced vesicular expanded perlite to the cementitious mixture.

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水泥基渗透结晶型防水剂具有良好的防水及二次抗渗性能。Cementitious capillary crystalline waterproofing agents have excellent waterproofing properties and second infiltration resistance.

水泥基路面材料在使用过程中常会发生明显的体积收缩趋势,在结构中引起收缩裂缝,降低路面结构耐久性。The macroscopic shrinkage of cementitious materials often causes cracking when it is used as paving material and reduces its durability.

房屋的二层正立面是橙色的有褶皱的金属面,它稍微比一层楼向外突出一点,形成一个小的悬空区域。The front elevation is composed of an orange-clad corrugated metal volume cantilevered over the lower level, clad in cementitious panels.

针对聚合物水泥防水涂料的应用,分析指出了存在的八个方面的误区。Aimed at the application of polymer modified cementitious waterproofing coating, the article points out some misunderstanding in eight aspects.

控制水泥基材料收缩的有毛细张力,拆开压力,表面能作用,层间水迁移作用。The shrinkage of cementitious material is controlled by capillary tension, disjoining pressure, surface tension and removal of interlayer water.

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植物适应性试验以绿景天植物正常生长证明了H50—6作为生物基层的胶凝材料是可行的。Test results of plantadaptability shows that cementitious materials of H50-6 Formula is suitable for biobed by the normal growth of green stonecrop.

聚合物水泥基复合防水涂料作为新型的防水材料具有巨大的市场潜力和发展空间。As a new style waterproofing material, the polymer modified cementitious waterproofing coating has a huge market potential and vast development space.

总之,电解锰渣复合胶凝材料对其内部水溶性锰的固化效果较好。In short, the effect of curing heavy metal is better by using EMR, pretreating agent, cement and fly ash to make the composite cementitious materials.