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水是成立既是一个大气和舞蹈元素。Water is incorporated as both an atmospheric and a choreographic element.

一出简短的舞蹈表演能为任何节目增添美感和激情。A brief choreographic presentation can add beauty and excitement to any show.

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在每日黄昏之际,为大家带来一系列的舞蹈作品。Dusk Dances features an array of choreographic works presented every night at sunset.

其三,对马跃的舞蹈作品展开文化上的理论阐释。It three, launch the theories on the culture to explain to the choreographic work of Mr.

同时,也包括拍摄被编舞的作品访谈、讨论、影像放映以及实践操作。It will include talks, discussions, screenings and practical exercises in filming choreographic work.

大学专精的舞蹈教练教授任教或是此领域专家、舞者。The university major in of the choreographic exercise professor allow to teach or this realm expert, dancer.

编舞者让灵感同身体交流,再看着它由无形转化为现实,这就是灵感流动的速度。A choreographic idea flows only as fast as the initiator can communicate it to bodies and see them realize it.

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提出了音乐的诸多因素与舞蹈语汇的结合应是全方位的观点。This article puts forward the idea that many musical factors should combine in every aspect with choreographic vocabulary.

其最具感染力的舞蹈之一是取材于一幅十一世纪乔治亚著名壁画故事的舞蹈“莎美亚”。“One of the most striking dances, "Samaia", is a choreographic interpretation of a famous eleventh century Georgian mural painting.

学生藉着频繁的观赏作业,学习辨识舞蹈设计中的视觉、乐理、动线架构。Frequent viewing assignments will help students identify visual, musical, and kinesthetic underpinnings of choreographic structure.

普雷约卡伊芭蕾舞团成立于1984年。1989年,该舞团成为“国立舞蹈中心”之一。Created in December 1984, the Preljocaj company became the National Choreographic Center of Champigny-sur-Marne and Val de Marne in 1989.

她通过了编舞技能和其他的要求,成功的女演员的当今时代,以维持在宝莱坞。She had adopted the choreographic skills and other requirements of the successful actresses of the present times to sustain in bollywood.

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再加上天生不服输的韧性,让他急于克服在杰尼斯的舞蹈考试时所遭遇到的不顺利。And the tenacity refused to concede defeat naturally, let him be eager to overcome at hero Nice of choreographic examine fall among of not smooth.

在这一方面的教师教育包括各种各样的性能研究,比如表演训练、声音训练、舞艺培养,舞蹈构成和其他科目。Teacher education in this field may include a wide variety of performance studies such as acting, voice training, choreography, choreographic composition, and other subjects.

其最具感染力的舞蹈之一是取材于一幅十一世纪格鲁吉亚著名壁画故事的舞蹈“莎美亚”。“One of the most striking dances, "Samaia", is a choreographic interpretation of a famous eleventh century Georgian mural painting. A particularly dramatic dance is the dagger dance.

1999年,马汀个人创作了一个通过探讨舞者的个人隐私、文化背景、社会身份问题,研究编舞中身体内外本质的计划。Since 1999 he has created his own projects where he questions the privacy of the dancer his cultural and social identity in a choreographic research of intimate and urban corporality.

在十几年的艺术实践中,积累了丰富的舞蹈素材,舞蹈作品,舞台经验和教学经验。擅长芭蕾舞,现代舞,由其是对不同风格的东方民族民间舞蹈,有着深入的研究。From these 10 years of artistic practice, Pan Dan has accumulated a wealth of stage, choreographic and teaching experience in Ballet, modern and a special concentration in many Oriental folk dances.