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他们最初不高兴地看着我。They looked at me sourly at first.

本年的冬天特别很是冷。搜索。The winter of this year is sourly cold.

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“别逗了,至少你们还有那种不可言说的慈悲,”克鲁利酸溜溜地说。"Come off it. Your lot get ineffable mercy, " said Crowley sourly.

三十年前有人刻薄地称他们为“废话连篇的空谈家。”"Chain talkers, " someone had sourly called them thirty years before.

“只要能避免,这种事我从来不干,”老鼠尖刻地回答说。I never do those things if I can avoid them, " replied the rat, sourly ."

勃龙太太在这剧院里服务了三十年了,回答得十分酸刻。Madame Bron, who had been thirty years in the theatre, replied quite sourly.

“害虫在混蛋家里,”她被自己的笑话逗笑了。"The pests're at the bastard's, " she said, laughing sourly at her own joke.

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黑胆汁,坏心眼地苦涩,上升博纳塞拉的喉咙,咬紧牙关,通过严格溢出。The black bile, sourly bitter, rose in Bonasera's throat, overflowed through tightly clenched teeth.

那些预测,或者说盼望中国会减缓发展甚至崩溃的人,会红着眼睛失望的。Those forecasting, or rather wishing, a slowing, let alone collapsing, China will be sourly disappointed.

可是,树枝一样不就是树荫园亭,而你现在没看见在那边儿那舟的首正在推那船的头吗?And don't you see how the bow of a bark over there is pushing the prow of a boat now?" the sow got soused at its trough and said sourly."

如果我们迷信目前的科学,将眼下科学的成果当作唯一真理,当然会认为没有灵魂。If we blindly believe in current science, and think the results of current science as the only truth. Sourly , the soul will be thought as nothing.

在于坎贝尔相撞之后这个夜晚以热刺守门员罗伯特-布里奇拖着一瘸一拐的腿而结束。The evening ended sourly as Spurs keeper Robert Birch was carried off with a heavily strapped left leg, following a collision with Fraizer Campbell.

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这些言论在九十九年前是被禁止的,之后在希奥多。罗斯福的一次演说中,这位美国总统的帝国主义论调刻薄地挫伤了埃及人民的希望。Those words were penned 99 years ago in advance of a lecture by Theodore Roosevelt, an American president whose imperialist tone then sourly disappointed Egyptian hopes.

我听说由于她不遗余力地引荐推介别的文化团体的作家,她曾被不公正地称为美国文化的“官方问候者”。I once heard her rather sourly described as American culture' s "official greeter, " for her role in presenting and introducing the writers of other scenes and societies.