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渗出,流出渗出液体,如植物的液汁。To exude a fluid such as sap.

树液可供作箭矢毒药。Sap used for poison of arrows.

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这些虫子每天吸食许多树液。These bugs drink much sap every day.

这种植物的汁液会使皮肤起水疱。The sap of this plant blisters the skin.

我清楚地了解流动在树干里的树液。I know the sap that courses through the trees.

在SAP系统里管理环境分析数据。Control environment analysis data in SAP system.

枫糖是由枫树的树液制成的。Maple sugar is made from the sap of maple trees.

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“闷棍”不再在使用后将你移出的潜行状态。"Sap" no longer removes you from stealth when used.

这就是我熬制糖树汁酿制枫蜜的地方。This is where I boil the sap down to make maple syrup.

他们在糖枫树上开孔,树汁便流出了。They tapped the sugar maples and the sap began to flow.

他又嗅到松树和附近树汁尖酸的气味。He could smell the pine, the tartness of nearby tree sap.

红色的树液一点点渗出来,宛如鲜血。Driblets of reddish sap were forming, very much like blood.

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有机—无机复合保水剂能够改良土壤。Soil properties has remarkable effect on the SAP application.

它们摧毁了财富,吞噬了幸福,破坏了旧的确定性。They destroy wealth, sap happiness and crush old certainties.

要洗掉你手上的树汁,使用黄油或食用油。To remove tree sap from your hands, use butter or cooking oil.

结论LIF作为促炎症因子参与了SAP的炎症反应。Conclusion LIF seems to act as a proinflammatory factor in SAP.

那么,为什么是SAP让Unix出血,又用Linux修补这些伤口呢?So why is SAP bleeding Unix and patching the wounds with Linux?

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液汁能给人快乐,也能使人遭受可怕的痛苦。The sap gave great pleasure but also caused terrible suffering.

春天树枝含液汁,修剪时会有液汁流出来。The trees bleed when trimmed after the sap is up in the spring.

我们去看教练,然后她也告诉了我们怎样采集糖树汁。We went to see Coach, and she showed us how to collect sap too.