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海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔。Seagulls hover over the surging waves.

蝶飞蜂乱入杏林。Butterflies hover to apricots with bees.

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我学会了飞翔,我能翱翔于天际了。I learned to fly, I can hover in the sky of.

看见过年轻的尼娅芙面带相思之苦That saw young Niamh hover with love-lorn face

将鼠标停在红色下划线部分上。Hover the mouse over a section underlined in red.

将鼠标停在蓝色下划线部分上。Hover the mouse over a section underlined in blue.

鸢鹰盘旋着,随时准备从网中叼鱼。Kites hover ready to snatch up fish from the nets.

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搜索栏只在你鼠标经过它时才出现。The search bar appears only when you hover over it.

其价值维持在40铢兑换1美元左右。The value tends to hover around 40 baht to one US dollar.

当你把鼠标悬停在任务栏图标上时,图标会稍微变大。Icons slightly expand when you hover over them on the taskbar.

另外值得注意布局上的改进,诸如悬浮CSS样式。Also watch out for layout improvements such as hover CSS style.

现在他正以蓬勃的姿态,在三中这片广袤的蓝天下,展翅翱翔。Now he is in the attitude, with third this vast sky, volant hover.

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当鼠标停留在每个人身上时,我希望出现一个矩形框。When I hover over each person, I want a rectangular box to appear.

保持红色不变,但去除下划线和悬浮状态。Keep the red color, but get rid of the underlining and hover state.

此叶子板适用于哈弗车系,质优价廉,欢迎订购。This leafage apply to hover , quality and cheap. welcomed to order.

不过,年长一些的学生通常会主动监督自己的课业。As they get older, though, students often become the ones who hover.

现在你只需将鼠标停在线程窗口上,你就可以看到相应的堆栈提示信息。Now simply hover over the threads window and see a tooltip with the stack.

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剩下的内容有淡青色的悬浮效果。The rest is the content of the site with some light blueish hover effects.

后退飞行至降落区的上空保持倒飞停悬,即完成此动作。To complete this maneuver fly, backward to a hover above the landing area.

你可以循环得到垂直的箭头以获得正在保持的锁的详细信息。You can hover over vertical arrows to get details on the locks being held.