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然后,便衣警察就把我带到了这里。Then, plainclothes police took me here.

一组便衣警察进入住宅。A group of plainclothes police go into the house.

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上级评价一个便衣人员的标准,是看他是否忠诚可靠。Superiors would evaluate a plainclothes man on his dependability.

哑巴也向上官玉汇报,后门也有两个便衣。Dumb to Shangguan jade report, there are two plainclothes backdoor.

我下班时被几个便衣警察袭击。I was leaving work when I was ambushed by several plainclothes police.

实施便衣侦查,应以情报信息研判为前提。The information study should be the precondition for plainclothes detection.

甚至牧师到这里来都要便衣警察的陪同。Even clergymen visiting the area had to be accompanied by plainclothes policemen.

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但多数时候,深入侦察是在便衣排掌控之下。Most of the time, however, deep patrolling was undertaken by plainclothes platoons.

上官玉急中生智,假装出门买茶叶,撞见了麻杆儿和便衣。Shangguan jade who pretend to go out to buy tea, hemp stalks and plainclothes caught.

便衣民警突然到来,参赌人员惊慌失措,全都被逮了正着。The sudden arrival of plainclothes police, Candu staff panicked, all caught up behind.

伊朗民兵部队当天大部分时间都没有出现。The Basiji paramilitary force, armed plainclothes militia, were absent for most the day.

在这辆车通过拉丁区的街道时被一名便衣警察看见。A plainclothes policeman saw the car as it drove through the street of the Latin Quarter.

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工作之余,年轻人则喜欢穿款式流行的各种时装和便装。Over the young people like to wear the various contributory fashion and pop plainclothes.

突然,货车被一名便衣警察叫靠边停住了,那名警察坚称要看车后厢的物件。Suddenly, the truck is pulled over by a plainclothes cop who insists on looking in the back.

一个星期以来,便衣和穿制服的警察一直在保持着对教堂的日夜保护。Since a week, plainclothes and uniformed police have been keeping the church day and night protection.

随后便衣民警和记者将卷帘门拉起进入了游乐城。Followed by plainclothes police and reporters will be pulled into the roller shutter door entertainment city.

图为周一守卫在北京日本大使馆门前的正规军和武装部队。Paramilitary police and plainclothes police officers guard the gate of Japanese Embassy in Beijing on Monday.

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在星期二的议会开幕式之前,津巴布韦首都市中心遍布着身穿制服的警察和便衣侦探。Uniformed and plainclothes detectives were posted throughout the city center before the opening of parliament.

据目击者称,便衣警察拦下街上的行人,拉出车里的人,进行搜查。Plainclothes officers stopped and frisked people on the streets and removed people from vehicles, witnesses said.

有目击者称,一位便衣治安官与一名只穿泳裤的年轻人发生争执后,枪杀了该男子。A plainclothes sheriff shot and killed an unarmed man wearing only swim trunks after an argument ensued, witnesses said.