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与我们面临的需求和挑战是否相称?Is it commensurate with the need and challenge that we face?

他的藏书量与镇上图书馆不相上下。His collection of books was commensurate with that of a town library.

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工作表现得不到足够的反馈或认可。Not enough feedback or approbation commensurate with the performance.

与资质证书等级相适应的勘察业务。Commensurate with the quality of inspection certificate grading operations.

我们认为你的语言水平与我们的数据需求更相称。No. We deemed your level of speaking more commensurate with our data needs.

一般来说,进程的权限与其所有者的权限是相称的。Typically, a process's privileges are commensurate with those of its owner.

努力过的人们都会发现,天道酬勤,回报和付出是相等的。When they do, they realize the rewards that are commensurate with their efforts.

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这在一定程度上说明双层油轮的制造费用与单体油轮相当。This means the expense for building a tandem hull is commensurate with that for a monohull.

完成四川省红十字会和澳大利亚红十字会分配的与职位相应的其他工作。Perform other related duties commensurate to the position, as may be assigned by ScRC and ARC.

所有这些增长都没有伴随相应增加的公共基础设施投资。All of this growth has occurred without commensurate increases in investment in public infrastructure.

一旦你这样做了之后,整个社会都将跟随并支持你,而你也将收获与你的付出相当的回报。When you do this, the whole universe lines up behind you and you receive a reward commensurate with the value you give.

将田鼠肉、瘦猪肉切成片,同黄精放入砂锅中,同大米煮成粥。Field mice flesh, will thin pork is cut piece, put into arenaceous boiler with sealwort , commensurate rice boils congee.

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报告发现,在过去十年,减贫速度并非始终或者在各地都与收入增长同步。The report finds that, in the past decade, poverty reduction was not always or everywhere commensurate with income growth.

本类大多数职业都要求具有与学士学位或更高资格相当的技能水平。Most occupations in this sub-major group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification.

马天尼为合适的人才提供有竞争力的薪资待遇。Muller Martini offers a competitive package commensurate with the qualifications and the skill level of the chosen candidate.

表扬用的时间和言语应该和该任务的困难程度和时间强度一致。The effusiveness and time spent in giving praise should be commensurate with the difficulty and time-intensiveness of the task.

表扬花的时间和吐露应该和该任务的困难程度和时间强度一致。The effusiveness and time spent in giving praise should be commensurate with the difficulty and time- intensiveness of the task.

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与额外险相称,卖方票据几乎总是比传统的贷款高。Commensurate with the additional risk, interest rates for seller paper are almost always higher than those for traditional loans.

对我来说,中国军事现代化是中国作为崛起大国的必行之路。"China's military modernization makes perfect sense to me as a natural evolution commensurate with China's rise as a great power.

有关权利只在「必须知道」的情况下授予,并根据个别人士的职责及受训情况而定。Authorisations are granted only on a "need to know" basis that is commensurate with an individual's responsibilities and training.