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他的工作与他的天主教信仰步调一致。His work has walked in lockstep with his Catholic faith.

灵柩由齐步行进的六名士兵抬着。The coffin was carried by six soldiers walking in lockstep.

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它是在美国的软实力下降后而急速产生的。It is marching in lockstep as American soft power declines, sharply.

到目前为止,海尔还在谨慎的遵循前人的步伐小心开拓海外市场。So far, Haier's moves follow lockstep into the strategies forged by its predecessors.

不过,最传统的媒体仍然严格恪守着政府的路线。But most traditional media continue to move in earnest lockstep with the government line.

应该牢记的是,各种各样的产品价格会继续同步联动。Keep in mind that the prices of the wide variety of commodities continue to move in lockstep.

Williams说,“这类安全问题得和技术发展一同进步。”“These kinds of security issues have to proceed in lockstep with the technology,” Williams said.

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这将对联盟产生巨大的影响因为奢侈税是随着工资帽而浮动的。That has huge implications league-wide because the luxury tax level moves in lockstep with the cap.

变革的年代,因循守旧只能坐以待毙,要生存必须破旧立新。Changing time, lockstep can await one's doom, should live must destroy the old and establish the new.

当2008年世界经济开始下滑时富国的中央银行不约而同地降低了利率。CENTRAL banks in the rich world cut interest rates in lockstep in 2008 as the world economy spiralled.

由于货币和信贷并不同步,所以监管部门还必须考虑到信贷的状况。Regulators must also take into account credit conditions, because money and credit do not move in lockstep.

有些专家预计,随着早产儿存活率的提高,脑瘫儿童的人数也将随之攀升。Some experts predict that as the number of preemie survivors climbs, the population of kids with CP will move in lockstep.

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循环回收公司明显是个例外,但是他们处理的物品许多不再这个连锁的处理过程之内。Recycling firms are the obvious exception, but even they deal in a variety of goods whose prices do not always move in lockstep.

纽约人寿一名发言人说,我们不赞同标普认为AAA评级的保险公司应严格跟随美国国债步伐进行调整的看法。A New York Life spokesman said, 'We disagree with S&P's view that AAA-rated insurers should be adjusted in lockstep with the U.S. Treasury.'

德育方法改革相对滞后和德育工作者长期以固步自封、因循守旧是导致网络冲击校园时中小学德育工作全线溃败的重要原因。The behind moral education and the pedagogue' s stuffiness and lockstep is an important cause that results in defeat of the moral education.

亿分之一度的低温时,钠原子就变为一种单独、密集的原子团,此时,钠在“步伐一致地”振动。Chilled to just billionths of a degree above absolute zero, individual sodium atoms become a single, dense glob, atoms vibrating in lockstep.

第一项是一对行星,每个大小和木星相仿,它们一前一后绕着距离地球15光年的一颗行星运行。The first is a pair of planets, each about the mass of Jupiter, that whirl around their home star 15light years from Earth in perfect lockstep.

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第一项是一对行星,每个大小和木星相仿,它们一前一后绕着距离地球15光年的一颗恒星运行。The first is a pair of planets, each about the mass of Jupiter, that whirl around their home star 15 light-years from Earth in perfect lockstep.

他们操着长矛在沙子上齐步行进与整队时捆绑他们的锁链发出了刺耳的金属交鸣声。The clatter of the chains that bound them made a harsh metallic music as they marched across the sand in lockstep and formed up with their long spears.

研究结果显示,反之亦然,因为至少在过去的1000年当中,气温与海平面的升降总是保持步调一致。The reverse is also true, according to the research, which shows temperatures and sea levels rising and falling in lockstep for at least the last 1, 000 years.