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猴子们表演完后在后台休息。Monkeys rest backstage after a show.

可我刚在后台听你在谈论运动比赛。I heard you talking sports backstage.

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都去前台,谁在幕后?Proscenium , whom do play in backstage?

他们向观众挥手致意并走向后台。They waved as she guided him backstage.

而元类才是幕后的‘牧羊人’。And yuan kind just be backstage ' goatherd '.

我们会在演唱会后台打篮球。We play basketball backstage during my concerts.

在后台的“娘娘腔”,在公平的状态显示。Backstage at the "girlie" show at the state fair.

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在我的音乐会后台、在我父母的床上和我发生关系。Backstage at my concert Fucks me on my parent's bed.

于是,我来到后台告诉他别忙了。So, I went backstage and told him the slides were out.

她们随后来到后台,对他娇语谄媚。They came backstage afterward, cooing and toadying to him.

去后面看看吧,”斯温顿在拿到奖项后在后台说。Go back and look," Swinton said backstage after her triumph.

这正是她有去后台,的好奇心的原因。That's what causes her to have the curiosity to go backstage.

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银姐被帅哥招待员扶到后台。Silver Sister was helped by some eye-candy usher to backstage.

一名粤剧演员坐在剧院后台的台阶上。Cantonese Opera performer sits backstage at a theater in Hong Kong.

彩楼背后的戏棚是孩童攀爬窥探的神秘世界。The backstage activities are a mysterious world for this youngster.

新加坡的李光耀依然喜欢在幕后操纵大局。Lee Kuan Yew still likes to jerk the strings backstage in Singapore.

能够实现后台自动分单。Can realize that the backstage supporter divides automatically singly.

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精彩时刻可以在幕后或在窗帘里面,甚至可以在边缘上找到。Magic moments can be found backstage or in the curtains, at the edges.

好了,如果没有其他问题我就要把您的演讲ppt上传到后台了。Ok, I am going to transfer the PPT to the backstage if no any problems.

而丽莉幕后搞了鬼,结果车子混过了警察的检查。And lily backstage got ghost, results of a police car hanging inspections.