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我可以拆分不定式吗?Can I split an infinitive?

将不定式分割永远是错误的。It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.

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一个不定式是由两个词构成的形式。An infinitive is a two-word form of a verb.

他不知不觉产生无限忧郁的感觉。Feeling of infinitive melancholy stole over him.

如何使用不定式将在下周学习。How to use infinitive will be studied next week.

英语中,不定词往往与"to"字连用。In English an infinitive is often used with the word"to."

实际上,大部分的正式写作都会遇到需要分离不定式的情况。In fact, the split infinitive is encountered in the most formal of writing.

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本书带你一步一步慢慢深入探讨不定词的用法。This book leads you step by step to learn how and when to use the infinitive.

完美境界符号作为完美的无限,相对于欢喜的有限。The pentagrammatic sign as the infinitive of perfection—of the finite jouissance range.

某些动词后用不定式或动名词时,意思有不同。There can be a difference in meaning when the infinitive or the gerund is used after some verbs.

在激情领域,专有名词被理解充当是纯粹不定词的主词。The proper name is the subject of a pure infinitive comprehended as such in a field of intensity.

打破行政垄断将是各个经济部门重新进行结构调整的过程。"to break up the monopoly in administration" is an infinitive phrase used as the sentence subject.

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另外,动词不定式具有动词特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,组成动词不定式短语。In addition, a verb Infinitive characteristics, can have their own object and adverbial form Infinitive phrase.

我们需要站在无限的空间和时间中感悟自然,生命和自我,需要在无限中呼吸永恒的空气。We need stand at infinitive space and time to grasp Nature, life and ourselves, and to breathe the air of eternality.

该机器是专门用于对水貂的针毛进行拔除的专用设备。主轴无级调速。This machine is specially designed for plucking guard hair of mink. The speed of the main shaft is infinitive variable.

确定不定式逻辑主语的主要方法是确定句中哪一个名词或代词与不定式逻辑上有主谓关系。One desirable way is to ascertain which noun or pronoun is logically related to the infinitive phrase and acts as its logical subject.

假设玛莉正值任意不定词阶段,列出所有她可能用上列词汇说出的句子。Assuming that Mary is in the Optional Infinitive stage, list all the possible sentences she might produce using the lexical items above.

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不定式可以带宾语或状语构成不定式短语,没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化。Infinitive form can take object or adverbial infinitive phrase, there is no person and number of changes, but sometimes tense and voice changes.

导出了带无限多个参数的有根平面植树和平面树的色和方程的精确表达式。The explicit expressions of chromatic sum equations for rooted planted trees and planar trees with infinitive parameters are derived respectively.

如果你认为你是这具身体,你就是把你所是的无限的巨大的存在想象成被限制进了一个叫做身体的箱子里。If you think you're this body, you take the infinitive tremendous being that you Are, and imagine that you're confined to this incasement called the body.