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他是个冷酷无情的衣冠禽兽。He is an unfeeling brute!

时光的流逝又是如此的无情。The time is so unfeeling to pass.

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她是一个多么冷漠无情的女人啊。What a cold, unfeeling woman she was.

你表现得像一个最无情的人!You came off as the most unfeeling person!

绝情起来我可以比任何人更绝情。I can be more unfeeling unfeeling than anyone.

我原来以为他不至于会这么冷酷无情。I did not think Charles would have been so unfeeling.

每只雄鹿的头顶上都是没有感觉的骨角。Each male is now crowned with spikes of unfeeling bone.

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帮塞毫无心肝,凶残犹如野兽。Ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast.

由于麻木不仁和固执,我心将难以敞开。Because of unfeeling and obstinacy, my heart will hardly open.

那个男人太冷酷无情了,一直让他的狗在外面冻着。That man is so unfeeling that he keeps his dog outside in the cold.

看了,那个杀手真是惨无人道,连老太太都杀。Yeah, the killer was completely unfeeling. He even killed old ladies!

谁说那些只在乎他们自己的人是不会觉得自己很笨的?Who says guys are just unfeeling louts who care only about themselves?

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男人多情而不专一,女人专一而绝情。A man without sentimental single-minded, single-minded and unfeeling woman.

我认为,他抛下他可怜的小家伙自己跑了,真是冷酷无情。I must say it is very unfeeling of him to be running away from his poor little boy.

她的行为多么轻率、多么粗暴、多么不合情理、多么冷漠无情!How inconsiderate, how indelicate, how irrational, how unfeeling had been her conduct!

感谢你给的回想和曾经。让我有了此刻的绝情和绝意。Thank you for giving memories and once. Let me have now for the unfeeling and unique idea.

以“领导有情、管理无情、制度绝情”的管理方针。"Managers well-disposed, management heartless, and systems unfeeling" are its managing policy.

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对奥巴马的冷酷傲慢,以及给欧洲带来的伤心,有多方面的解释。Various explanations are offered for Obama's unfeeling hauteur and Europe's consequent heartache.

癞蛤蟆窃窃地笑了,实在是麻木不仁,他笑过之后振作起来,故意显得特别庄严的样子。The unfeeling toad broke into a snigger, and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn.

目的减少病人手术前在病房留置尿管所引起的不适感和疼痛。Objective To lighten the patients unfeeling and pain for setting the pipe for urine in the ward before operation.