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我给她寄磁带。I sent her tapes.

他捎信来警告我。He sent to warn me.

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他被派到了海外工作。He was sent abroad.

告诉他是我让你去的。Tell him I sent you.

我寄错了钥匙。I sent the wrong key.

你怎么到这儿来啦?What sent you hither?

父神差派了耶稣。The Father sent Jesus.

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在微机房发电子邮件.PC room-at e-mail sent.

遣送至关塔那摩湾。Sent to Guantanamo Bay.

把她押到监狱里。She was sent to prison.

换上这个,我送来的快乐!Change this, I sent you!

2004年印度洋海啸那会儿,美国撤侨派出了第七舰队,而中国,只派出了一艘货轮。China sent a cargo ship.

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他吹起一阵清风。He sent a gentle breeze.

他们给我们拍了电报。They sent us a telegram.

谁给我发了邮件。Who's sent me an e-mail?

他们派人去请医生。They sent for the doctor.

这是打发叫花子吗?This is a beggar sent it?

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你送了那张卡,查尔斯。You sent a card, Charles!

他用暗码发送了一份讯息。He sent a message in code.

我将此信由航空寄出。I sent the letter airmail.