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警察正在取缔无证商贩。The police are weeding out the unlicensed pedler.

无照餐馆被取缔,也禁止食用狗肉。Unlicensed restaurants are out, as is serving dog meat.

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被关停的学校涉及14000名孩子,这些学校这些很长时间以来被默许存在,但缺乏办学许可手续。The schools, though sometimes long-established, are unlicensed.

其中包括脊椎指压治疗师和其他无照经营的健康理疗师。Category includes chiropracticors and other unlicensed health practitioners.

在一个没有营业执照的涉世不深的小孩那买汽水?Bought lemonade from an unlicensed "dealer" in the form of an innocent child?

几名出租车司机紧随其后从车中冲出来追赶黑车司机。Several taxi driver, followed from the car rushed out after unlicensed drivers.

在“黑车”上抢劫属于在公共交通工具上抢劫。The robbery on "unlicensed car" belongs to the robbery on public traffic robbery.

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上月,无证驾驶的司机已被判入狱三年半。The unlicensed driver was sentenced last month to three-and-a-half years in prison.

这是安杜哈尔一年内第三次因为无照经营而被捕。It is the third time that Andujar has been arrested for unlicensed peddling in a year.

这样会转而为制裁非授权下载开了明确的法律先例。That, in turn, could create a clear legal precedent for blocking unlicensed downloads.

他们还说,很多无照计程车司机在叁亚营业,而不缴纳租费。The strikers also say many unlicensed cabs operate in Sanya without paying rental fees.

这个作品本来要在巴尔干地区展出,而违章建筑是巴尔干地区的热点话题。The work was to be located in the Balkan region where unlicensed construction is a hot issue.

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空出来的700MHz以下空白频段,公众未经许可,或许就能使用。The white space freed up below 700MHz is to be made available for unlicensed use by the public.

张医生说,前往没有执照的诊所会加深损坏女生的再生育系统的风险。Zhang says going to unlicensed clinics raises the risk of damage to a girl's reproductive system.

中国对采矿已采取了更为严格的控制,并取缔了无照开采和走私.It has been imposing stricter controls on mining and cracked down on unlicensed mining and smuggling.

环球唱片已经起诉百度,试图强迫这家公司关闭对这些未经认证的网站的访问链接。Global record labels have sued Baidu, trying to force the company to stop linking to unlicensed sites.

但民众更关注,谁是无牌歌舞厅的幕后老板?However, more concerned about the people who are unlicensed dance halls of the behind-the-scenes boss?

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此前在百度上打广告的无照医药公司就是购买的此类关键词广告。It was through such keyword purchases that the unlicensed medical companies bought advertising on Baidu.

在至今二十多年里,对于免执照应用,这是第一个重要的波谱频段。This is the first significant block of spectrum made available for unlicensed use in more than 20 years.

令娱乐工业沮丧的是,未经许可的软件、音乐和影像在互联网上无偿下载。Unlicensed software, music, and videos are downloaded freely on the Internet, to the dismay of industry.