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你呕吐吗?Do you vomit?

他开始呕吐。He began to vomit.

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他被自己的呕吐物呛住了。He choked on his own vomit.

她回到家把酒吐了出来。She went home to vomit the wine.

呕吐物含血或大便带血。E. Bleed mixed with vomit or stool.

我的小孩子老是吐奶,这是为什么呢?How come my baby often vomit the milk?

为什么我经常肚子痛,还呕吐。Why I often upset stomach, still vomit.

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蛇只好出来,在地上吐岀死鼠。The snake, vomit dead rat on the ground.

刚咬了一口,“呸呸呸”吐到了树下。Just bite, "Pei Peipei" vomit into a tree.

吐出来的东西都溅到地毯上了。His vomit spluttered on the thick bear rug.

但他也清理警车里的呕吐物。But he also cleaned up vomit in police cars.

您以前怀布莱安和路西亚也恶心吗?Did you vomit when you have Brian and Lucia?

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他们给她喝盐水好让她吐出来。They gave her salty water to make her vomit.

兔子与豚鼠也不能反胃。Neither rabbits nor guinea pigs can vomit either.

结果倩倩再一次吐在教室里。Results the Qian Qian again vomit in the classroom.

动物园有只猴子奇丑无比,人见人吐。The zoo has monkey ugly, people see people to vomit.

事实上,如果你没有得到适当的空间可能会呕吐。In fact, if you don’t get some space, you might vomit.

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她从来没有吐奶和腹痛。She has not once spit, vomit or neither suffer colics.

这些管道把臭烘烘的液体倾入大海。These pipes vomit out bad-smelling liquid into the sea.

英文歌曲的吐词发音堪称一绝。English songs vomit a phrase pronunciation his is a must.